Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Andy's POV

*The Next Day*

"Hey, weird question. Did Scarlette come to your house?" I asked Jinxx. He was the third band member I called today. I just really wanted to make sure Scarlette was okay. I had already driven the neighborhood and hadn't found her car.

"No, is everything alright?"

"Not really. We got in a fight and she took off with Kaylee." I sighed.

"Oh wow, well she's definitely not here. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay, thanks." I said and we hung up. I tossed my head back and groaned.

"She's not at anyone's house?" My dad asked and I shook my head. My parents had already cancelled their flight home and were going to stay with me until Scarlette returned. Good thing too because I don't know what I would do if I was here alone. I just want my fiancé and daughter back.

Scarlette's POV

*The Day Before*

I parked in the driveway and took a deep breath before shutting off the car. I got out and opened the door to the backseat. I grabbed the diaper bag and duffle bag out of the backseat before unhooking Kaylee's car seat and pulling the carrier out of the car.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I said quietly, looking down at Kaylee. "I mean, it's better than a hotel...maybe. God, this is going to go so bad." I said to myself before closing the door to the backseat. I dragged myself to the door, my feet feeling like cinderblocks. I mustered the courage to raise my fist and knock on the door. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest as I waited for the door to open.

"Scarlette! What a surprise!" My mom exclaimed as she opened the door, pulling me into a hug the best she could. "Is this my grandchild?" She asked with tears in her eyes and I nodded. "Oh, come in, come in." She said, stepping aside so I could walk in. I followed her to the living room and sat down on the couch. My mom sat next to me and I put the carrier down on the ground first before putting down the bags and finally sitting. I unstrapped Kaylee from her carrier and picked her up, holding her close to me.

"What name did you pick?" She asked.

"Her name is Kaylee Nicole." I said, omitting the Biersack to avoid an argument and because who knows if that will be her last name for long.

"Beautiful." My mom said. "She looks just like you did when you were a baby."


"Yup." She smiled.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted at Thanksgiving and the months following." I said.

"I'm sorry too. It's just still hard for me to believe that you're an adult. I mean, you're a mom and you're engaged! You're like, really grown up!"

"Mom, I'm 25." I laughed.

"I know, I know. You'll always be my baby though.

"Okay." I chuckled. "D-Do you want to hold her?" I asked.

"Of course." She said. I reluctantly handed my daughter off to my mom and she held her close.

"Hi darling." She cooed, brushing her thumb along Kaylee's cheek. "Oh, I missed that new baby smell." She sighed happily. "So what brought you over?" She asked.

"I-I kind of need a place to stay for a little bit." I said.

"Oh? Is everything okay with Andy?" She asked.

"W-We got into a big fight and I chose to leave." I said, my voice cracking as tears welled up in my eyes.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"No. I don't think he ever would." I said, shaking my head. "He told me I was a bad mom."

"Oh my god, why would he do that?"

"B-Because maybe I am." I said, the tears falling from my eyes.

"Oh Scar, no." My mom said, reaching out and touching my knee. 

"There's something wrong with me." I said, shaking my head. "I'm having such a hard time connecting with Kaylee. I almost never want to be with her, her crying drives me up a wall. I'll admit, I haven't helped Andy almost at all since we've been home from the hospital."

"Oh honey, that stuff happens. It's just your hormones. They'll start calming down and you'll feel that connection."

"I don't need it to happen later! I need it to happen now!" I exclaimed, startling Kaylee and causing her to cry. "FUCK!" I shouted, throwing my head back as my mom tried to calm Kaylee down.

"What is going on do-oh, hey Scarlette! What a surprise!" My dad said as he came down the stairs. "You had the baby?" He asked as Kaylee's crying stopped.

"Yeah, do you want to come meet her?" I asked, wiping my tears.

"Oh, I have a granddaughter. Of course I want to meet her!" He exclaimed, rushing over to us. My mom handed her over to him and he held her with a smile.

"Her name is Kaylee Nicole." I said.

"So precious." My dad smiled. Eventually, the question of my presence  came up and I told him the same thing I told my mom.

"Do I need to hurt him?" My dad asked.

"No." I chuckled with a smile. "I'm a big girl dad, I can handle it. I just need a place to stay to clear my head."

"You girls can stay here as long as you need." My dad said, kissing Kaylee's forehead with a smile.


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