Chapter 71

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Lia walked out of her bedroom her head held high, she knew they were there by the energy she always felt surrounding them but she wasn't prepared for the adoration in their eyes when they saw her.

Aro, Marcus, and Caius stood gobsmacked as they watched her walk out of her room dressed for success. Caius was the first to collect himself after staring at her for a few moments "You look beautiful Gioia Mia" He said gently as he finally walked up to her and offered his arm.

She smiled and straightened his tie first before taking his arm.

"Caius is right Cuore Mio, you look breathtaking" Marcus said lowly as he continued to look at Lia in rapture.

Aro nodded and said a low "A true queen, you will take the masses by storm Anima Mia" He said as he looked her up and down, his eyes holding hunger and rapture in equal measures.

Lia smirked "That is the plan, now let's go before we are late to our own ball. I have three very handsome vampire kings to show off" she said teasingly, a warm feeling in her chest by being surrounded by them and having them look at her the way they were.

This wasn't looks of lust, well maybe a little, these were looks of love and devotion and Lia couldn't help but bask in the feeling.


Jasper could barely control himself when he saw Bella for the first time that night. Especially when her entire face had turned a shade of red as she noticed the look on his face.

She awkwardly dusted off her dress "So, I guess you like it then. I don't normally wear things like this" she said as she bit her lip, obviously uncomfortable.

Jasper, feeling her unease immediately grabbed her face and made her meet his eyes "You look amazing darling, I might have to kill a few people tonight for looking at you wrong. If Charlie doesn't get to them first. Don't ever doubt yourself gorgeous" he said quietly before kissing her.

There wasn't heat in the kiss, just love. He needed her to see what he saw, she was the most beautiful woman he could ever see and he would remind her of that until he took his last breath.

Bella pulled away from the kiss feeling more confident, she could tell it wasn't Jasper's gift, just the man himself that had made her feel this way.

He smirked at her as he fully pulled away "Much better Darling. Show them all how powerful you really are" he said encouragingly as he offered his arm.

Bella felt her back straighten as she took his arm and let him lead her to the Training room which had been converted into a ballroom for the evening.

Bella couldn't help but feel impressed when she walked into the room and couldn't recognize it. It looked nothing like the training room yet Bella knew it was the same room at its core.

When Bella finally got around to looking at the guests she couldn't lie and say she wasn't at all intimidated by all the red eyes staring back at her. She had gotten used to it but it was unnerving to feel like prey in a room brimming with predators.

Thankfully Jasper had immediately made his way toward Rosalie and Emmet.

Rosalie was in a dark green dress that had a high neckline but had a plunging back. The dress accentuated her curves making her look even more beautiful than normal.

Emmet had his arm around Rosalie and smiled brightly as soon as her and Jasper approached "I was wondering if you would ever get here" he said with a chuckle.

Bella rolled her eyes "It takes a while to get this dolled up Emmet, I was one of the first to get done, most of the girls are still getting dressed in Lia's rooms right now. I got a peak at her dress, she's definitely making a statement" Bella said cheekily masking Emmet laugh loudly.

Thankfully with the low sound of music and people talking it was droned out and not many turned to see what was happening but Bella could feel the eyes of a few people still on her.

Jasper chuckled as he wrapped his arm securely around Bella, making it clear exactly who was protecting her to the few wandering eyes he could feel.

Jasper turned back to Rosalie and Emmet "Where's Esme?" he asked curiously, surprised she wasn't with them.

Rosalie motioned behind them "She's with the Denali's, they just arrived. We're letting them make the rounds before we monopolize their time" she said before taking a sip from her metal champagne flute.

Jasper could smell it was deer blood making him barely raise his eyebrow before schooling his features.

He looked around and saw the drinks area in the back where he could smell the blood coming from. He kissed Bella's hair gently before pulling away from her "I'm gonna get us some drinks darling. I'll be back in a moment" he whispered quietly to her, knowing almost everyone in the room could hear him.

She gave him a small nod as she moved away from him and closer to Emmet's side.

While Rosalie and Emmet quietly chatted to each other Bella took the time to scan the room. She was intimidated by all the vampires in the room but not afraid. She knew they couldn't hurt her, not with Jasper and the Cullen's here but more importantly because of the Guard.

She knew that they would protect her if need be, most of them didn't exactly like her but they knew if she was hurt while they could have done something Lia would be pissed. None of the Guard wanted that.

Bella was actually surprised by how much respect the guard gave Lia, the Elite adored her and seemed actually friendly with her. Her own guard even more so. The other royal guards all seemed to have an animacable relationship with her as well. It was only the higher and lower guard who didn't interact with Lia much that seemed more scared of her than anything else.

Most likely knowing she could order their deaths on a whim if she truly wanted to. Not that she ever would but they didn't seem to know that.

Though she had gotten closer with a lot of them from this whole Ball planning thing she's been doing. Bella was happy to stay far away from all that and leave it to the others, it definitely wasn't her thing.

Bella continued to wait for Jasper as she looked around the room, just in time to see Charlie and Janice walking towards her.


This was the only chapter I had finished before coming back so I don't really know what i was trying to convey here. Rest assured my ability to make a plot has gotten a lot better since the last time I updated. lol

I was in a bit of a twilight kick and finished five chapters so here you go.

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