Chapter 43

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3rd Person

Bella tried desperately to hide from the Cullens' sight.

She had no idea what to say to them. Their son had been killed?! How do you face a family after that?!

It tore her heart to pieces as she avoided them but she didn't want to see the rejection on their faces, she just couldn't live through that.

She had stayed with Edward for so long, took the abuse for months just to avoid seeing that look on their faces. It was her own personal nightmare.

She hid out of sight, or so she thought, as she tried to collect her courage. After a few moments she took the chance and looked toward the family she had felt so drawn to as they gave their statements to Lia and her mates.

She saw Carlisle and Esme, looking heartbroken, Rosalie was angry, most likely at Bella, and Emmet was looking between his adoptive parents with a look of sympathy.

Finally, her eyes turned to the last member, the one she had been purposely kept away from.

The moment her eyes met his her body slackened, all the anxiety, the pain, just washed away as she stared into his golden eyes.

She blinked confused, she had never felt this before, this safety, this feeling of trust in another to take care of her.

She had always taken care of things, ever since she was 10 she was the one running the finances in her house, her mom would make what she could and then it would be Bella's job to pay the bills, to make the dinner, to make sure the house was clean.

She remembered one time having to pick up her mother when she was stranded, Bella had only had a learner's permit at the time. If she was caught she could have been in serious trouble, even lost the ability to get a license for years.

It wasn't that her mother didn't care, Renee was just a flighty woman, there one second gone the next. It had always been that way, until Charlie.

Even with Charlie, it felt more like having her own place, she didn't mind the feeling, liked it actually. At least she didn't have to care about the bills and keeping food on the table. It was nice, she could relax and be a teenager for the first time, well before she was sucked into the supernatural.

And now here she was, being sucked in again, but this time it came with an unnerving feeling of safety. Bella almost wanted to fight it but she couldn't bring herself to do that, not when she saw the fear of rejection in his eyes, the same fears she had.

She moved to walk towards him when he was pulled away by the kings to give his statement.

Bella shook her head as the feeling left her the moment they lost eye contact. She blinked as she looked around confused. What the hell was that?

She looked back at Jasper, trying to understand what happened, she could barely see him as his back was turned talking to the kings.

Bella felt an immediate pull, a want to be closer to him but she held back. She didn't know what was happening but she knew now wasn't the time.

The Cullens still hadn't found out what happened to Edward and Bella had to worry about her dad. Who had just found out about the supernatural and would most likely be expecting answers when she got home.

She would figure out what was happening with Jasper later, for now, she had to worry about her family.


Once Aro had taken Jasper's memories he smiled mournfully "I am sorry this has happened to you young one, you have been done a grave injustice" Aro said as he released Jasper's hand.

Marcus sighed as he used his bond sight to study what had been done to the young vampire before him.

"Whatever bond was forced open you must be studied. It is something the likes of which I have never seen. I must request you come with us to Volterra in the hopes of studying this occurrence" Marcus asked politely, though it was not as optional as he made it seem.

Jasper could tell that it wasn't a request by the emotions coming off the kings, thankfully it wasn't something he wanted to fight. He never wanted to let this happen to another.

Jasper sighed resignedly "I will come to Volterra, as long as I have your guarantee that I can leave when you have all the information you can gather" He said, his eyes never leaving Marcus, he knew that any promise Aro made was empty, but he could tell Marcus was a man of his word.

Marcus nodded sagely before giving a half-smirk as he gave a pointed look towards Bella "Young Bella and her father will be accompanying us. He has also found his mate, His true mate is one of our most senior members. And young Bella will be making her transformation soon" He said suggestively, amusement in his eyes as he eyed the gold bond connecting the two, it wasn't flourishing as it should but then both parties had been through quite an ordeal. Their bond would flourish with time.

Jasper caught on to Marcus's meaning quickly as his eyes moved to Bella, who just so happened to be watching them from a distance, the second their eyes met a blush colored her cheeks before she quickly scurried away.

He had seen the look of confusion on her face as she felt the bond, had seen the doubt, he hoped to reassure her but after everything they had both been through could he really do that. Better question, did he have a choice? Or were the strings of fate pulling them together too strong to fight?


Is it bad that the next thought that went through my head after writing that was "I'm the strings!" like I literally said that out loud in a gremlin voice. What the hell is wrong with me?

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my one original characters and plot.   

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