Chapter 44

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3rd person

Carlisle steeled himself as he let out a shaky sigh before turning back towards the kings.

They had just finished taking Jasper's statement and he couldn't wait any longer to know the fate of his son. The first person he had ever sired.

He held his mate close as she tried to keep it together, he could tell this was tearing her apart. Edward had been what got her through the death of her son. She had jumped off a cliff after the death of one child, what would losing two more do to her, to say he was concerned would be an understatement.

He looked to Aro, his eyes pleading "Aro, old friend, what will happen to Edward? As his coven leader I have a right to know his punishment" Carlisle said, using the law to his advantage.

Aro's eyes crinkled slightly as Carlisle used his own laws against him, but needs a must, and it is the law so he let out a deep sigh as he tried to give his old friend a placating look.

"Young Edward for all intents and purposes is dead. Janice was guarding my mate when he attacked, I'm sure you remember her gift" Aro said suggestively, no sympathy in his words.

Carlisle closed his eyes, almost physically pained by the knowledge while Esme looked at him confused, some hope growing in her eyes. It sounded like her son at the very least was alive.

Carlisle met her eyes and she felt her dead heart constrict, whatever Edward's fate was, it was worse than death. Esme knew her mate well, and he wouldn't be wearing that expression if he wasn't devastated.

Carlisle met Aro's unrelenting stare "how long will he be kept like that?" he asked, dreading the answer.

Caius scowled "Until his thoughts are repentant or he goes so mad we must burn him, whichever comes first" he spat out. It was the first time he had spoken this entire confrontation. His rage was unrelenting, he hadn't felt this vengeful for years, he would have been thriving off the feeling of rage if his mate wasn't hurt.

Carlisle nods his head, knowing Caius wasn't the king to try and reason with. Especially when he could see the injuries marring the queen, the fact Edward even had a chance was more merciful than Carlisle ever expected. Almost unreasonably so.

Carlisle's mind began to spin with possibilities, there must be some ulterior motive if the kings were willing to keep his son alive after attacking their mate. He just needed to figure it out.


Bella paced her bedroom, thinking about everything that had happened.

Charlie was in no state to be having any conversations so for now he was healing in his room, the medic had given him some pain meds.

Charlie would be out of it for a while, he had several broken ribs from the attack, as well as a dislocated shoulder and bruising alonge his body.

Bella had felt so confused as she looked at her father, how could Edward do that? She knew he was controlling, but she never knew he was capable of things like this.

And Alice! Had she been a part of his plan? She has to be! She ran! What other reason could there be for her to run for the hills?

Alice had always been his little helper. She would kidnap Bella for 'girls nights' whenever Edward went hunting. It may sound like fun but it was just so she didn't go an see Jacob on the res, so that she didn't do anything Edward disapproved of.

She had tried to leave once only to be herded back into the house, treated like a child who didn't know any better.

It wasn't just Alice, all the Cullens helped Edward control her, even Rosalie liked to take part in 'girl's night' like Bella wasn't there against her will.

Whenever she would make a decision Edward didn't approve of there was Alice, or sometimes Edward himself. One time even Carlisle!

The only person who never tried to control her was Jasper, though even she could see he was controlled himself. Alice would drag him around like a dog to do her bidding. Bella was horrified with whatever that fake bond business was, maybe that was why Alice had ran?

Bella just couldn't understand why she stayed, it was like she was drawn in. Edward did say that everything about them drew prey in like a moth to a flame. Was that all Bella was? A moth being dragged into her doom?

Or maybe it was something else, the more and more she thought about it as she paced her room the more she realized maybe it wasn't the Cullens drawing her in, maybe it was something else entirely?

She felt a connection with Jasper but she didn't want to intrude, he had been through something terrible. Being played like that has to hurt and she felt he deserved some time.

There would be plenty of time for Bella to approach him, if he wanted that.


Carlisle stood against his desk as he stared at the painting of the Volturi.

His head was spinning, trying to come to grips with what happened.

He knew there had to be some ulterior motive, Edward dead, Alice on the run, and now they want Jasper as well?!

The kings said it was just temporary, so they could study the supposed fake bond but Carlisle was starting to get paranoid, three of his most powerful coven members, gone, all in one day.

Carlisle didn't know what to believe. It was just so out of character for Edward. He had always been the perfect son, his favorite son. He had taken after Carlisle, even wanted to be a doctor.

How could he have ever done what the kings were saying?! He couldn't have! Carlisle knew this in his heart. Felt it with his whole soul, he just couldn't imagine his son doing something like that.

The kings had to be lying, they had to be.


So if any of you were wondering why attitude might have shifted for some characters, let me explain. So I went down a hole with Twilight tictoc and found this chick who goes by the username   twilight_talk   and she has given me such a new perspective on these characters. especially the Cullens and Bella, I feel like I write Bella a lot more accurately now. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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