Chapter 30

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The threat was neutralized and it was safe for us to travel to Forks.

We were in the air within an hour ready to go.

It was time to make a treaty with some shifters.

3rd person:

The Battle raged.

Newborns torn limb from limb by wolves and the Cullen's alike.

Both parties were determined to eradicate the threat to their families and homes.

Jasper moved swiftly through the battlefield, letting the Magor out for the first time in what felt like a millennia. It was freeing but also disconcerting.

Jasper had just torn a man's head off when he spotted a newborn about to kill his mate, he should have felt panic, he should have felt a blinding rage, but he felt nothing.

This distracted him in the heat of battle, he froze, He saw as Emmet moved to save Alice and killed the Newborn that had come after her but he didn't see the Newborn sneak up on him. He could feel him though. Feel his emotions of blood lust and rage, it fueled him, like it always had.

Before the newborn could touch him the Major turned and ripped the head from the newborn's shoulders with a loud shrieking noise. He didn't stop there, he immediately moved to decimate another, and another, and another.


Bella was done.

She was done with vampires trying to kill her.

She was done with being a lap dog.

She was done with being powerless.

And she was absolutely done with Edward Cullen.

She had to resist the urge to kick him where the sun doesn't shine as he blurted out that they were getting married where he knew Jacob could hear.

She saw him smirk as he heard Jacobs's thoughts and glared at him before growling out "We aren't getting married, after this we never will, you do not get to make that choice for me!"

She didn't let Edward get a word in as she went after Jacob, she didn't want him to go into battle thinking about that, especially since it wasn't even true.

What was Edward thinking?! That she would just marry him if he kept insisting? That she would forgive him purposely lying to her friend right before a battle that might get him killed? He was delusional.

She ran where she saw Jake go but she couldn't find him anywhere making her stop and run her hands through her hair angrily.

She took a few deep breaths as she tried to keep from crying, Jake might die because of this! Because of Edward.

This sealed the deal for Bella, once the battle was over she would break it off with him. She would always love the Cullen's but she couldn't handle it anymore. She couldn't handle him anymore.

She would just have to go through the Volturi to get turned no matter what she was still obligated to turn by the end of the year.

It took her a few minutes to calm down enough to walk back to the campsite.

She saw Edward pacing but she just ignored him, she could hear him talking but she wasn't listening, she was spiraling.

She didn't even have time to do anything as the same second she started zoning back into the situation Edward span her behind him and stood in front of her protectively.

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