Chapter 41

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Bella came with us as Charlie stayed with Janice, he was highly confused and we were pretty sure he had a mild concussion.

We had called in our resident Medic and she would be here to treat Charlie in about 10 minutes. She was one of the few left at the hotel, she is a lower guard member who had gotten bored and gone to Medical school.

Aro allowed the guard to further their education in any institution outside of Italy, this way there would be less risk of exposure if something happened to go wrong. There are more than a few members who have medical degrees.

One is always required to accompany us on missions until I am turned. It was one of the few precautions I let the kings have.

I had to learn to pick my battles and this had very few drawbacks and was for my protection. The only problem with it came from my pride but my self-preservation instincts were much stronger than any pride I have.

The medic would come and treat Charlie while the rest of us went to meet the Cullens. The coven must be informed of the situation.

We also have to understand their involvement. Aro had many questions for Alice.

I was in Marcus's arms as they all ran through the forest, the wind whipped through my hair. I could see the faintest whisps of trees as we passed them.

Eventually I felt us slow as I saw the Cullen's expensive ass mansion in the middle of the woods. It would be more impressive if I hadn't spent the last few months in a castle... wow... I've become, with the kings it was inevitable.

Apparently, we surprised the Cullens because when we reached the steps there was no one to greet us.

Immediately I was suspicious, Alice should have seen we were coming.

As soon as Marcus had put me down I turned towards Demitri "Is Alice here?" I asked as I eyed the house and the Cullens who had just figured out we were here and were making their way outside.

I spotted Jasper making me relax slightly. Alice wouldn't leave without Jasper, her leash is way too tight for that...

Demitri focused for a moment before stiffening "She's not here, at least 30 Miles South, Moving fast" He said curtly, his head bowed as he pinpointed the direction Alice was going.

Caius and I wore matching scowls before he snapped out "Find her, Felix, go with. Axenoff join them!"

Without being told twice all of them were gone before my eyes with only a rush of wind to indicate their departure.

We turned back to the Cullens to see them looking between us warily, they probably knew this wasn't going to end well.

Jasper looked at the kings cautiously, most likely feeling the rage coursing through them as Carlise stepped forward.

"Hello my friends, We weren't expecting company" Carlisle said as he walked towards us.

I could see as his eyes ran over us, stopping at my face. His eyes widened at the sight of the bruise on my face, he knew us being here with me injured meant nothing good for his coven.

He had obviously been around the kings enough to gauge the mood they were in if the way he was standing was any indication.

He had moved slightly in front of Esme as he smiled at the kings and me.

"Yes, well, we weren't exactly planning on making any house calls just yet, but your son forced our hands" Aro said as he eyed the coven in front of us, a million different scenarios being planned out behind his eyes.

Carlisle's eyes widened as Esme took a worried step forward, placing her hand on Carlisle's arm. They shared a quick concerned glance before turning back towards us.

"What has Edward done?" Esme asked as she eyed us nervously, her brows furrowing in confusion at the sight of Bella standing behind us with the guard.

Marcus snarled, not being able to keep it in as he spat out "the boy attacked our mate!" as he held me against his chest protectively.

I could tell Carlisle was extremely concerned that it was Marcus who was being aggressive, my normally stoic mate.

It was so shocking to Carlilse that I could tell the realization of what he said hadn't sunk in at first.

Esme shook her head in denial and put her hands to her mouth in horror, most likely realizing this meant her son's life.

"Why would Edward attack your mate? Why would he attack anyone?!" Carlisle asked with a frantic edge to his voice.

Aro narrowed his eyes "It would seem he was meaning to attack Charlie, in some perverted hope that young Bella would fall back into his arms. Our mate was at the house visiting her uncle when he attacked" he explained, restrained violence in his eyes.

Carlisle looked at Aro as if he couldn't understand the words coming out of his mouth. He shook his head in denial before turning back to me and scanning the bruises on my face.

I sighed and met his eyes "It's true, I can't understand his reasonings but he attacked us. If my guard wasn't there me and Charlie would both be dead right now. Not only would he have killed Bella's father if we weren't there, but he would also have broken the treaty" I said calmly, with an edge of regret.

I knew they could hear my heartbeat, know I was being honest.

Esme buried herself in Carlisle's chest with a quiet sob as Carlisle stared blankly at the trees around us, still in shock.


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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