Chapter 32

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Bella looked up at Jacob suddenly "you're right, when the Volturi came they even said something about leaving one of a mated pair alive. I think it's against their laws" She said with realization growing in her eyes.

Jacob scrunched his eyebrows up confused "You don't know?" he asked hesitantly.

Bella scowled and started pacing "Of course not, Edward seems to think I don't need to know anything about the world I'm going to be part of by the end of the year" she spat out bitterly.

Jacob scoffed and rolled his eyes "Then why are you marrying him?" he asked bitterly, a scowl on his face. He hated being reminded of Bella's death.

Bella glared at him and clenched her jaw to keep the anger at bay, it wasn't actually directed at him. She was still furious at Edward. She had no idea why she ever even considered marrying him for a second.

"No, I'm not. I've told him no, about 10 times at this point. When he told you that right before the battle it was the last straw, I'm done with him" Bella said as she stood up straighter, her decision made.

Jacob smiled "Really?!" He asked excitedly. Maybe he still stood a chance?

Bella sighed, She didn't want to crush the hope growing on his face but she couldn't lead him on, it wouldn't be fair to him.

"Yes, but Jake that doesn't mean anything. I need to turn no matter what, it's the law. It could never work. Please understand, after Edward I don't want anyone but my mate, I don't care if it's a true mate or just a regular mate bond but until I find it I can't put myself back out there again" she said with a remorseful look on her face.

Jacob sighed and looked away, he should have known he wouldn't get a chance even with Edward out of the picture.

He wanted nothing else but to Imprint on her, then they would be soulmates, but apparently, it wasn't meant to be.

At least he wasn't losing her to the leach.

He let out a tired sigh "It's better than nothing, at least you aren't marrying him" Jacob said with a bit of bitterness in his tone.

Bella smiled sadly at him before shaking her head "Well, I'll come by tomorrow okay? Just get better, we can talk more tomorrow" She said gently with one last smile towards him.

He appreciated the effort so he gave her a half-smile back before relaxing into the bed, he knew she was safe for now, and not marrying the leach. He could rest, if not easy, at least easier.


Carlisle was kind enough to drop her off at home, Bella didn't want to face Edward right now.

She hoped her his sake he didn't come in her window tonight, as the weeks have gone by she had started asking him not to.

Sometimes he didn't listen and with every instance he disregarded her the once comforting gesture shifted to one of unease.

She didn't feel comfortable in her own room knowing he could be watching her at any time now.

The only thing that actually calmed her was the knowledge that a guard member was there to protect her if anything happened.

She should have found it disconcerting that some stranger was always watching her but as she had started to feel increasingly paranoid around Edward she couldn't help but find some level of security in the fact that if Edward snapped she had a second level of protection.

She hated how powerless she always feels around vampires.

She knew the likely hood of Edward attacking her is slim but she also knew he wouldn't react well to her ending it.

Bella felt guilty for using him to survive this battle but he got her into this mess, the least he could do would be to get her out of it.

She knew he saw her act of cutting herself to attract Victoria and Riley as a sign of her trust in him but in reality, it was a survival tactic, if he died she was next.

She didn't want to see him dead but she definitely didn't want to see herself dead, she was only 18! She had so much living to do.

It was ironic to Bella, right when she learned to appreciate life she now had to end it, though eternal life didn't sound that bad.

At least she'll have Lia if nothing else.

Bella had no delusions that the Cullen's would still want her in their coven if she wasn't with Edward. While it broke her heart, she had to, she just couldn't continue to be treated this way. She deserved better than that.

She had made a promise and she intended to stick to it.


The next morning Bella finally pulled herself out of bed around 10 am.

She had barely been able to sleep, too paranoid about Edward, as far as she knew he hadn't come but it doesn't stop the worry. Then when she finally did get some rest she had nightmares of the battle and Jake.

She couldn't get the image of him being crushed by that newborn out of her mind. The sound of his bones crunching as his ribs were crushed. Watching him fall to the ground, whimpering in pain.

Bella shivered just thinking about it as she got up and walked to the bathroom to take a hot shower. Maybe that would help her forget her nightmares.

At least she could hope.


Bella walked downstairs towel drying her hair when she stopped short.

She just stood at the bottom of the stairs staring. She couldn't believe her eyes.

Sitting on the couch talking to Charlie with a cup of coffee in her hands was Lia.

Lia just looked at her with an amused smirk "Hey Cuz, did you miss me?" she asked sarcastically as Bella gaped at her.


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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