Chapter 35

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The tribal leaders walked into the restaurant ready for anything.

They had Jacob, Embry, and Sam with them for protection but even they knew they were at a disadvantage.

The only reason they were going was because of Lia, Billy knew her since she was little and would visit Charlie, if she said they just wanted to talk he would trust her.

The Pack were less inclined but they needed to know what the vampires wanted. The Pack didn't want to get wrapped up in more vampire drama by a swan girl who's obsessed with Vampires.

Though Jacob's memories of Lia did speak in her favor, the only reason they had even agreed.

They were surprised the vampires wanted to meet in such a public place, though they supposed it was insurance that nothing would get out of hand, on both sides.

They walked past the empty first room filled with windows into a much more private back area that had much less exposure to the outside street.

It was nice to know these vampires knew what discretion was.

They stopped in front of the large table with three red-eyed vampires sitting with Lia between them.


I smiled charmingly as the Tribal leaders and the pack walked into the room.

I motioned to the chairs on the other side of the large table "Please have a seat. We are the Volturi leaders. My name is Amelia and these are my mates Aro, Marcus, and Caius. Some of you know me and some of you don't but know that we are all here to help our people" I said in a calming tone that I hoped would put them at ease slightly.

They all looked at us unfazed as they sat down. Damn pretty impressive, not even a blink...

Billy glanced at each of my mates before meeting my eyes "What are the terms of this treaty?" He asked getting straight to the point.

I smiled and gave Caius's hand a squeeze under the table, he was the most unnerved by the wolves. Aro was on my other side with Marcus next to Caius.

Aro pulled out a folder and pushed it towards them "We have laid out a basic treaty of what we want but we believed you would prefer your input before anything can be decided. All things considered the existing treaty will be very favorable to your people" he said in his signature voice he uses to get people to listen to him. Damn really using all the charm tonight huh?

Billy grabbed the folder and started flipping through it.

"In short, we will make it law to stay out of this area. Any vampire who enters this area is free to be dealt with by your people and if you are unable we can handle it personally. We realize that our agendas align, the Volturi enforce the laws of our kind and one of the most important is secrecy. Your kind only manifests with the proximity of ours, if we keep our kind out of this area, your people will no longer have to worry about your son's and daughters shifting" Caius explained curtly as Billy read through the document.

He wanted this to be over as soon as possible and waiting for each of them to read through the document would take more time. He has 30 minutes tops before he blows a gasket...

I squeezed his hand again, I wouldn't have known he even felt it except for the fact he squeezed back. I was honestly impressed with my mate's poker faces, no one would ever be able to tell Caius was having a mental breakdown unless they knew him.

I glanced at the wolves, they were staying relatively calm but they were uncomfortable. I could tell Sam brought the calmest members of the pack which I was thankful for.

When my eyes met Jacob's I could see the confusion there, the last time he saw me I was leaving with Bella to Italy and now here I was, queen of vampires.


Billy looked up with shock written all over his face "What benefit does this agreement have for your people?" He askes as he handed the folder to Old Quil.

He could see so many benefits for his own people, the treaty was very tempting, he just didn't know what was in it for them.

Vampires never did anything for selfless reasons.

Marcus smirked in mild amusement "Simple, your people pose a risk to ours, this small area of the world is worthless to us. Only one coven frequents it and we don't much care about getting on the Cullen's bad side. You have your own treaty with them. After our treaty is finalized it will be up to you if you want to let them stay in the area or not" Marcus said casually as he looked between the wolves and studied their ties.

He could see strong bonds between them all, The Alpha had a strange bond branching off somewhere, Marcus assumed with was the so-called imprint bond. He found it very intriguing.

"Yes, should you decide to revoke their privileges we would be willing to enforce it. The law we will pass will make this official wolf territory, No vampire is allowed to settle in the area without your express permission. If a coven ever again tries to force themselves in the area we will be obligated to enforce this law. Any nomads you can deal with as you see fit" Caius said with a tone that suggested he would love nothing more than to do just that.

The thought of killing the decrepit mind reader got him through this meeting. He hated even having to endure the wolf's presence. Their odor was permeating the room. After tonight he would never step foot back in this restaurant.

The tribal leaders looked at each other in consideration.

Billy took a look at Sam to get his opinion.

This was all they had ever wanted, they all knew they would take the deal but any issues have to be brought up now. Before the treaty is signed.

Sam gave a single nod to Billy, sealing the deal.

It was time to negotiate terms.


I will tell you right now that I am not gonna continue this scene, you know all that you really need to know about the new treaty, it will be referenced again but for now that's what it is. I don't have any specifics right now. If I need something for plot convenience it will come up lol.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

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