Chapter 13

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After a few minutes there was a knock on the door.

Marcus was immediately up and opening the door, he talked for a few moments before taking something and closing the door behind him as he walked back into the room.

Immediately I smelled the pizza and smiled "I see we went with the safe option" I said sarcastically as he placed the box down on the coffee table. Damn the only thing that would make this better is a joint...

He smirked but it was cut off as I leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

I said a quick "Thank you Marcus" before grabbing a plate and taking a slice.

I sat back down as if nothing happened while Bella raised an eyebrow at me.

I just smirked slightly making her laugh quietly.

Marcus stayed frozen for a few seconds in his crouched-over position before standing suddenly and smiling down at me.

I smiled up at him "Why don't you guys leave us for a few minutes to have some girl talk. I'll ask whoever you left to guard me, to bring me to you when we're done" I said with a suggestive tone. I need to talk to Bella, maybe I can pull her head out of her ass.

Being the gentlemen they are they were immediately nodding with gentle smiles.

I smiled at them one last time as they left and let out a little "I won't be too long" as they closed the door.

The further they got the less safe I felt.

Being in a castle surrounded by predators was making my instincts scream danger.

I ignored them, knowing logically I was perfectly fine and my instincts were just reacting to the perceived danger. God, I fucking hate this feeling, well I guess I'm just gonna have to be a clingy bitch from now on. Oh well...

I turned back to Bella seeing as she was still sitting there awkwardly as she kept glancing at the door as if any seconds someone would burst through and try and kill her. Well, I guess for a 17-year-old girl a lot of people have tried to kill her, hell a lot of vampires, and she has been almost attacked by the wolves...

I just took a bite of my pizza and sat back "So, how are you going to get back at him?" I asked casually as I sat back with my delicious pizza, hoping to make her relax slightly.

She looked at me confused for a few seconds before shaking her head "why would I punish him?..." she asked confused. Is this bitch serious?...

I looked at her ass if I couldn't understand what the fuck she just said for a few seconds before calmly sitting up, putting down my pizza and turning towards her with a dead serious look on my face

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I looked at her ass if I couldn't understand what the fuck she just said for a few seconds before calmly sitting up, putting down my pizza and turning towards her with a dead serious look on my face.

"That prick left you in the middle of the fucking woods, told you he didn't give a crap about you, that he hated you. Then falls off the face of the earth for months, while you go through crippling depression. Then, when finding out about your supposed death, by getting no other information than Charlie was planning a funeral, he runs off to Italy to kill himself. Do you understand the likely hood that you would leave this place alive? If you were with any other group of vampires you would have all been dead. The only reason Aro catered to you was that Edward and Alice are gifted" I said dead seriously. Does she not see any of this?!

She gasped horrified but I continued "Don't get me wrong, because of who I am to them you would have been spared but were I not here, and Edward not a mind reader, you would have been dead. No if's and's or but's about it. The law is very clear, though I suppose you might interest Aro enough to turn you instead of killing you but that's slim" I said, trying to get her to understand the amount of danger the Cullen's willingly put her in.

Bella looked horrified "but why would they do that? Why would they kill me, just for knowing? That's so wrong!" She said frantically before looking at the door in fear. Way to miss the point Bella...

I shook my head with a deep sigh "It's the law Bella, no human can know about the existence of vampires. The only exception is if that human will eventually turn. This is for the safety of everyone, including humans. Could you imagine if vampires were discovered on a worldwide scale? It would be anarchy!" I said in exasperation as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Bella blinked at me in shock for a few moments before nodding "I guess your right, I just... it's hard for me to be okay with something that's taking my choices away from me" She said quietly as she looked down at her food.

I let out a tired sigh and reluctantly nodded "I understand that Bella, but everyone has laws. I think we're getting off topic, this was supposed to be about your boy toy and how much your gonna make him grovel for the amount of crap he put you through. I'm surprised you're getting back together with him at all, I thought you and Jacob were actually hitting it off" I said with a small sly smile as I picked back up my Pizza and started eating again.

She glared at me but I just ignored it and raised an eyebrow "that's not an answer" I said in a sing song voice as I ignored her glare.

She huffed and stayed silent for a few minutes until eventually she let out a quiet "I love him, it just feels right."

I sucked in a breath before reluctantly nodding "I understand that, teenage romance feels like that sometimes, until it doesn't. If it's something you really want to try again, then do it. Let him back in your life, but make sure it's on your terms. He's the one that fucked up, he needs to make it up to you. He also needs to stop taking your choices from you, the way he just bulldozes over everything you want for what he Thinks is best for you, isn't okay" I said with a huff. Talk about fucking toxic...

She looked at me in shock as the realization settled over her before nodding "'re right. I still want to give him a chance but I deserve better than that" she said with confidence as her back straightened and she sat a little taller.

I smiled brightly and clapped my hands excitedly "Good for you! You deserve to be treated right, and let me tell you there are plenty of vampires in the sea. I'm pretty sure I can get you the pick of the litter now, I do have an in with the guard" I said with a sultry little smirk.

She blushed and rolled her eyes making me snort but I let her change the subject. The offer was still on the table...


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

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