Chapter 40

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Aro pulled out of Edwards's mind with a disgusted look on his face.

He shook his head at statue Dickward and turned back to the rest of us "Anima Mia, You were smart to get your cousin away from him. His thoughts are repulsive" he said with a dark undertone to his voice.

I looked at him apprehensively "And by that you mean?" I asked, silently hoping he wouldn't answer it.

Aro shook his head "He has a very warped mind, I don't know how I didn't truly see it before but he has no grasp on reality" he said as he stared at Edward in contemplation.

"Why did he come after Charlie?" I asked hesitantly.

Aro growled at the reminder of the attack but calmed quickly "He wanted to scare young Bella back into his arms, it was quite idiotic, he truly believed no one would have any idea he had done it and not a rouge" He said as he rolled his eyes at the pure stupidity.

I looked at him gobsmacked before turning to Edward and looking him over "Do you think he was on a grippy sock vacation when he was turned? Cuz that shit makes no sense...Like I know Bella can be a little slow, Renae really was a crappy mom and dropped her all the time, but even Bella would be a little suspicious when right after breaking up with her Charlie ends up dead" I said as I tilted my head and tried to figure out the thought process there.

Caius scoffed "Maybe it was the years of reading people's thoughts. It could easily drive someone mad" he said cooly.

Aro looked at him offended "Brother are you calling me mad?!" He asked loudly.

Marcus rolled his eyes "Aro, are you trying to tell me you're sane?" He asked drolly.

Aro crossed his arms and huffed making me smile and pull him into a quick kiss. He was still pouting when I pulled away so I smiled "It's okay, I love you just the way you are, even if you're a mad hatter" I said coyly as I quickly pulled away from him and hid behind Caius who was laughing loudly.

Aro just continued to pout.

I was happy to distract them, but it didn't last for long, Bella came back and reminded the kings of why they were here.

Bella stared at the statue DIckward alarmed before quickly turning to me and seeing the bruises on my face and scowling.

She looked like she wanted to come closer but the kings were pretty protective and made it very clear it was a bad idea right now, well Caius did, Aro and Marcus weren't happy about her presence but didn't seem angry.

Caius literally growled at her as he wrapped himself around me and pulled me behind both Aro and Marcus. Great, so this is my life now...

I sighed and gave Bella a 'what you gonna do' look. I shook my head fondly as I looked down at Caius before turning back to a worried and slightly amused Bella.

I let out a resigned sigh "Bella, Charlie's upstairs, though Janice is with him and she might be a little defensive, though she's pretty chill so you should be fine" I said as I eyed my protective mates.


Alice froze, a vision playing before her eyes. She froze as she watched her brother and herself be destroyed.

She saw Edward attack Charlie and Lia resulting in the Volturi coming for her after seeing Edward's thoughts. What they had done to Bella.

They had only gotten away with it in Volterra because Aro was so distracted by their gifts and finding his mate. It was one of the reasons she brought Lia to Volterra in the first place.

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