Chapter 19

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Just a reminder, if the words look like this they are in another language. I'm gonna be honest and say I'm too lazy to translate, especially when there's a 90% chance the translations will be horrible anyways.

After another hour of my cocoon time I finally got up and ready for the day.

Caius just watched in amusement as he continued to talk business with Aro and Marcus. Apparently, there's a lot to deal with in the vampire world...who knew?

Once I was dressed for the day I turned to Caius "who's home?" I asked as I walked towards the door while putting my hair up in a messy bun.

He looked up before listening for a few moments "just your cousin, your uncle left for work about 2 hours ago" he said as he got up to follow me.

I shrugged "well, let's go get some boxes and stuff so I can pack up all of my shit, at least some things are already packed, I haven't exactly been here too long and I knew I probably wasn't staying" I said with a small shrug as I grabbed my purse and motioned towards the pile of packed boxes in the corner.

He just nodded and followed behind me as I walked downstairs "if you have a car we can take that, otherwise I'm sure Bella would let me borrow her truck" I said casually as I walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

I didn't hear a response as I filled my to-go cup with coffee and added creamer and sugar.

Charlie always leaves a cup in the pot for me when I get up. Thank you, Uncle Charlie! That man is awesome...Awww my life essence, you make people bearable. I thought as I took a sip of my coffee.

I walked back into the living room to see Caius looking around alert as he sniffed the air.

All of a sudden I saw his eyes go black before he sped towards me.

Before I knew what was happening I was sitting in a car seat with Caius frantically turning on the car. Okay, that was fucking fast...

"Whoah what the hell is going on!?" I asked as I put down the cup of coffee that miraculously didn't spill.

He turned the key in the ignition before growling out "I smelt wolf, I need to get you somewhere safe" was all he said as he pulled off from the side of the road and started driving.

I blinked for a few seconds before shaking my head "Caius, that's just Jacob, Bella's wolf boy toy" I said with a shrug as I looked at him cautiously. Well, that didn't work.

When I say this man tensed up like a coiled viper I am not fucking joking.

He turned to me slowly with black eyes "excuse me?! Your cousin is dating a werewolf?! Do you understand how uncontrollable they are?! They are violent monsters, and I do not say that lightly?!" He said with a manic gleam growing in his eyes. Well shit, he is not fucking around...

He was terrified, I could see it. He was completely petrified of wolves "Caius, calm down. I'm sure Aro would have told you if they were the wolves you're thinking of. He has to know about them, if not from my memories then Edwards. The Cullens have had a treaty with the pack for generations" I explained in a placating tone.

He snarled and pulled out his phone, I was assuming to call Aro.

As soon as the other line picked up he was practically screaming in what I am assuming is greek into the phone.

I winced but decided to let Aro handle it. Yeah, tapping out of this one...


3rd person:

Caius was enraged, how dare his brother do this? He didn't even wait for him to say a thing before he was screaming at his idiotic brother in ancient greek.

"Aro what the hell are you thinking!? Werewolves?! You sent me and our MATE to a town full of fucking werewolves?! You should have told me immediately about this!" Caius growled out angrily.

He was happy to hear Marcus snarl at Aro from the other side of the phone but before anything else could happen Aro was making excuses.

"Brother calm yourself, they are not children of the moon. They are simply spirit shifters who take the form of wolves. They are not an immediate threat. If anything they would be more likely to try some type of rescue attempt for our mate than try and harm her. They think themselves the protectors of the humans" Aro said in a droll voice as he sat on his throne and rolled his eyes at Caius's over exaggerations.

Caius just shook his head "it doesn't matter, they are still a danger! One is apparently dating our mate's cousin! He has been in the house?!" Caius said snarled as he thought about the wolves anywhere near his mate

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Caius just shook his head "it doesn't matter, they are still a danger! One is apparently dating our mate's cousin! He has been in the house?!" Caius said snarled as he thought about the wolves anywhere near his mate.

Aro and Marcus snarled as well but calmed themselves quickly.

Marcus let out a deep sigh while glaring at Aro "Caius, follow the original plan. Our mate only requested a few days to get her things and say her goodbyes" Marcus said forcefully.

Aro ignored the look on his brother's face "She is perfectly safe for now, if you want to be sure pay a visit to the Cullen's to discuss the shifters. They have had a treaty with them for over 100 years" Aro said dismissively.

Caius just grumbled before hanging up the phone.


I looked at Caius with an eyebrow raised "So, are you calm enough to use English now?" I asked, unimpressed with being ignored while they yelled in Greek.

Caius gave me a small sheepish smile "I'm sorry Gioia Mia, The wolves in this area are not the same creatures I was thinking of. I will explain more when we get back to Volterra, I have many books on the subject" he said with obvious stress still in his voice. Damn, how bad are actual Wearwolves?...

I smiled gently, trying my best to reassure him "So what's the plan then?" I asked curiously.

He took a deep breath and slowly relaxed "we will go get your boxes and drop them off, then we will be going to the Cullen's. I want more information about these shifters and their supposed treaty" Caius said with forced casualness. Ooooh, The Cullens are in trouble...

I could tell he was still tense but trying to calm down for my benefit which I appreciated. Wow, he must really have issues with wolves...


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

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