Chapter 56

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"Well, if you're interested we can do your first extraction next week. You've been tracking your cycle and it seems fairly regular so I see no issue doing the procedure. You'll need at least one consecutive cycle between procedures but for your health, I recommend two" Sandra said as she flipped through charts.

Lia was laid out on the doctor's table, wearing a red hospital gown that for all intents and purposes was pretty nice. At least it wasn't flimsy like most hospital gowns.

Lia scrunched her eyebrows "Are you sure we can't do them with only a month, that's only four a year and I know about half of the eggs aren't going to be viable" she said as she sat up straight.

Sandra smiled reassuringly "while half aren't going to be viable you get more than one egg per procedure, you can get up to 15 in one go, so while half aren't viable you still get a considerable amount of viable eggs. I know you want to try and do this as much as you can in the next few years but there is only so much your body can handle. This procedure, while not extremely invasive, does mess with your natural cycles. If we do it too often it can cause you serious complications" she said, desperately hoping Amelia would listen.

Sandra had been around long enough to know the kings wouldn't let anything happen to the Queen that would damage her health.

"You can only perform this procedure safely if you are at optimal health. Too many procedures back to back brings up your risk of complications. Truly I would not recommend doing more than 8 procedures in total but we will truly have to see how it affects you to proceed forward. We won't know how your body reacts until after the procedure" Sandra explained, there was truly no way to predict these things, every person was unique and the way their body responded and recovered is unique to every patient.

Not to say that there aren't common results just that everyone has their own way of healing based on genes, lifestyle, and overall health.

Lia nodded, she supposed waiting to see how bad it was before making her decision was the smartest choice. She would want to know what she was getting herself into before making a decision.

"So what time next week do you wanna do this doc?" she asked as she grabbed her clothes and put them back on behind the privacy screen.

Sandra flipped through a few more papers, looking through her schedule "How about Tuesday at 11 am?" she asked.

Lia nodded "That's fine, now I just gotta talk to my mates about it" she said, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

Sandra looked at Lia in shock "You haven't spoken about this to them?" she squeaked out.

Lia rolled her eyes "Well Aro knows, he's definitely heard me thinking about it. But no Marcus and Caius don't know, unless Aro told them. I wouldn't put it passed him but usually he keeps others' thoughts private. He knows I'll talk to them on my own time....which I guess is now" Lia said trailing off.

Once she was fully dressed she said a quick goodbye to the doctor before going to find her mates.


"So I'm sure you two have at least picked up on the fact I've been thinking about something" Lia said as she stood in front of her 3 lounging mates who were all reading some old tome or in Caius's case sketching.

Caius immediately closed his sketchbook, giving me his full attention. Marcus and Aro doing the same.

"Gioia Mia, we could tell something has been bothering you but Aro assured us you would bring it up in your own time" he said, giving a pointed look to Aro, most likely not too happy about being left out of a secret.

Lia ran a hand through her hair nervously "Okay, well to start I want to make it very clear I do not want kids right now. I like where we are, I think we're finally settling and getting to a really good place and I want to enjoy it for at least a year or two before going there" she said, not wanting them to get the wrong idea.

Marcus and Caius both looked confused and slightly alarmed "Cuore Mio, what exactly are you trying to say?" Marcus asked, a bit of hesitance in his voice.

Lia shook her head to herself, she was overreacting and she knew it.

"I'm going to get some of my eggs frozen, I don't want to close the door on us having kids in the future so I want to have a bit of insurance" Lia explained, letting out a sigh as a weight lifted off her shoulders.

"And what will this entail?" Caius asked, sitting up worriedly.

Lia smiled at him, always slightly shocked when they show true concern "It's a surgery, but it's not very invasive and it has a very quick recovery time. Sandra wants to do the first one and then decide on the frequency after. Get a gauge on how my body responds to the procedure. It's relatively straightforward and the biggest risk is infection. Seeing as I live with a bunch of immortals I don't think any of you are going to get me sick" Lia explained.

Caius shook his head "no absolutely not. No one is cutting into you! Not going to happen!" he said worriedly.

Marcus didn't look happy but he wasn't being as obvious about it as his brother.

Lia raised an eyebrow at Caius "I don't remember asking your permission and besides, it's really not a hard surgery. The actual time under the needle will be like 10 maybe 15 minutes. It's a completely fine Surgery and women get them every day" she said, not budging on this.

Caius looked at her, obviously concerned but knowing he would only dig himself in a hole if he tried to control her, he had just dug himself out of that hole, he wasn't about to dive back in no matter how much he wanted to.

Lia seeing the expression on his face walked into his arms and leaned up to give him a gentle kiss. Caius immediately slackened and held her close.

Lia smiled as she ran her hand through his blonde hair "Think about it this way, I'm going to need my big strong mates to protect me and take care of me after surgery" she said soothingly, with a bit of teasing in her voice.

Caius huffed but relaxed slightly, not hating the sound of that.

Lia very rarely let the kings take care of her like they wanted to. To them, she was meant to be cherished but she was independent, and not a fragile flower to be pampered and spoiled. They had come to terms with it but there were times she indulged in their attention, like when she didn't feel well....or just wanted to. 


Soooo I'll be honest, I have no more chapters done in advance so I have no clue when I'm gonna update again. Probably soon, I just need to do a quick re-read and everything. I've been feeling very low energy the last week so I just haven't done a lot of writing in general. Tho admittedly I went to Canabash during the weekend and got high out of my mind. I've been smoking week since I was 13 and that shit knocked me out for days. it was fucking great. lol

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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