Chapter 28

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I laughed lightly and shook my head. It looks like we're going back to Forks...

The plan was simple, The elite guard would travel to Seattle and observe the newborn army, and my mates and I would join as soon as they had been destroyed.

I had wanted to go alonge but none of my mates were willing to put me next to a newborn army.

Most of the time I would fight them but I did agree, it's hard to spy on a newborn army with a human around. They would hear me a mile away.

I would do more hindrance than good, as reluctant as I am to admit it.

I had wanted to make a dramatic entrance with the guard on the battlefield but I guess my fun would have to wait. I had to be practical, ugh...

Aro immediately dispatched the Elite guard while I and my mates started working out the bare bones of a treaty with the Shapeshifters.

We left it simple for now, knowing they would want to have their input in the treaty. It would be rude not to ask them what they want first...

While the Elite guard were in Seattle, a member of my personal guard would be sent to protect Charlie.

Afton would be protecting Bella since he could turn himself invisible, even to Edwards's powers.

I wasn't going to risk my cousin's life, what if something had changed? I had already shifted the timeline a few times simply by being there.


3rd person

In forks, the wolves and the Cullen's were preparing for battle. Bella stood off to the side and watched as the Cullens fought each other.

She was mesmerized by Jaspers fighting, he was impressive, even to her human eyes. She couldn't take her eyes off him.

She stood slightly away from Edward, she was never happier he couldn't see into her head.

She had been distancing herself lately, she was getting to her breaking point with his controlling attitude, it was like he thought he could dictate her life.

He had tried several times to get her to agree to marry him, each time it ending in a fight and her even more determined to say no to him.

It was like he didn't hear a word she says and only listens to himself speak, it was getting old quickly.

Bella didn't know what she was gonna do yet, she just knew she wanted to live long enough to figure it out.

She had brought up calling her cousin multiple times but none of The Cullen's were on board, they said with the wolves involvement we couldn't include the Volturi.

Bella thought it was stupid, it was all over the news. The newborn army wasn't exactly being subtle, the Volturi probably already knew all about it.

But if that was true why didn't Lia call her? In the end Bella decided the Cullen's new best, this was their world, it might be hers by the end of the year but it wasn't yet and she knew there were things she just didn't understand.

It didn't help that whenever Bella asked Edward about the laws he would either shut her down or go into some rant about the Volturi and their choice to drink human blood.

Bella didn't like the Volturi's diet but then again the Cullen's were the outlier, not the norm. Their diet didn't make them saints, Bella could see that now.

She had been seeing a lot lately, she had finally decided to stop thinking the best of everybody and actually pay attention. she blamed her blindness on growing up sheltered.

It had taken her a while to see it but the Cullen's aren't perfect, they had their faults.

Carlisle was a good man and a good doctor but not the strongest leader, he bends to Edwards and Alice's wants too quickly, even against their covens best interest.

Esme loved all her coven mates but it was to her detriment, she could never see the faults in them until they were staring her in the face, though Bella had no room to judge on that front and she knew it.

Rose was cold, but honest which Bella had grown to appreciate, She never pretended to like her and she was honest with her reasons. Emmet was just a damn goofball but sometimes could be very hot-headed and destructive.

Alice was controlling of everyone in the family but most of all Jasper, she tried to turn Bella into her own personal dress-up doll and Bella was having none of it.

Alice wasn't too happy about it but with everything going on it got swept under the rug for the literal army coming to kill them.


Bella was mesmerized by Jasper's story, she couldn't believe his strength.

She listened to every detail transfixed, She studied the scares littered on his arms, she wanted to reach out and run her fingers over them.

She held back the urge and just stared at him with curious eyes as she listened to every word he said.

That was until Alice draped herself around Jasper and Edward quickly came up and started talking to Bella.

She barely paid any attention as Edward droned on about risks and Jasper's control.

She just had to get through this battle, and then she can figure out what she wants for her life because she wasn't sure it was Edward anymore.


Soooo what you think? Can you tell I have no patience? Well, I do have some, just enough to get us to this point so the drama could really start lol.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

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