Chapter 45

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Carlisle made his way to the border, he needed to speak with the shifters and he knew there was only one true way to get their attention quickly, Carlisle didn't have time for politeness.

He hoped they would help him, he needed to act quickly, Aro would see his thoughts the next time they touched, knowing Aro it would be soon.

Aro always loved his control, and what better way to control people than read their every thought, not to mention the use of Chelsea's gift.

As soon as he had come upon the border there was a wolf bursting out of the woods.

The sandy brown wolf growled at him but Carlisle stood unfazed "I need to speak to Sam" was all he said as he stared uncaring at the wolf before him.

Jacob wanted to rip the leeches head off, he held off long enough to send the thoughts to Sam, he felt it as his pack members started flocking to him. All seeing the vampire standing before him through the pack link.

It only took a few minutes for half the pack to show up, the other half being ordered to continue their patrols.

Sam shifted and quickly put on a pair of shorts as he walked out in front of Carlise Cullen.

Before Sam could even move to speak Carlilse was spewing words "We need your help, other vampires are here, they are refusing to follow the guidelines of the treaty" Carlisle said, hoping to use their protective instincts to his advantage. If he could just get the Volturi distracted he could get Edward's body back, he would figure out the rest later.

Sam raised his eyebrow, he couldn't be talking about the Volturi could he?

"Why are these vampires here? Who are they?" He asked gruffly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Carlisle shook his head sadly "They are known to my people as the Volturi, they rule over us with an iron fist, They are violent and blood flows wherever they go" he explained dramatically.

The pack link was full of thoughts as the wolves processed what Carlisle was most likely trying to do. How he was trying to use them.

The wolves started snarling, Carlisle mistook this for a good sign, a sign they were angry with the thought of the Volturi.

Sam scowled "Why are these Volturi here? What do they want with you?" Sam asked, all the while using the link to tell his pack mates to calm down.

Carlisle shook his head "they don't need a reason. They come in and wipe out entire covens, then take the powerful members before killing the rest" he said, a sort of desperate edge to his voice.

In the end he was a deeply flawed man trying to get back his son, it didn't make his actions any better though.

Sam shook his head as he looked at Carlielse like he was an idiot "And you want our help to kill vampires who are killing other vampires? We have no part in this" he said resolutely.

Carlisle took a step forward, his voice pleading "Please, they will kill humans in town, they are bound to feed! I know you don't care about my family, but you at least have to care about that?!" He begged desperately.

Sam looked at him for a few moments, a scowl of contempt on his face "you know, I truly thought you were better than the rest of the bloodsuckers, the color of your eyes doesn't mean anything does it?" he said, almost coyly if he wasn't so pissed.

Carlisle staggered away from the glare on Sam's face as the other wolves snarled at him, he didn't know what had happened? He just didn't understand.

"'re just going to allow innocent people to die?" Carlisle asked in shock and slight judgment.

Sam hearing the holier than thou tone stiffened completely "Oh like using my people as cannon fodder while you do whatever it is you're planning?" he asked as he glared at the vampire with hate in his eyes

Carlisle stood up straighter as the words fell from Sam's mouth, how could he possibly know?

Something of his thoughts must have shown on his face "The Quileute tribe has an official treaty with the Volturi" was all he said as he stood firm.

Carlisle's eyes widened in absolute Horror, he thought about attacking Sam, to keep this meeting a secret but with the whole pack present it wasn't a fight he could win.

The wolves weren't even able to see his eyes widen before he was gone. They wanted to chase him but Sam had a better thought, a better fate, and all it would take was one phone call.


Rosalie and Emmet were shocked by the sight of Carlilse rushing into the house and gathering a duffle bag.

"Pack, now" Was all he said as he tossed a duffle bag at Emmet.

"What the hell is going on?!" Rosalie asked, stopping Emmet from moving with a hand on his chest.

Carlisle scowled but continued to pack "We need to leave, now, there's no time to explain!" He said, his tone brimming with urgency.

Esme was already packing a bag, though a notably confused expression on her face.

Jasper scowled as he stepped forward "What did you do?" he asked suspiciously. His gift was telling him exactly how nervous and scared Carlisle was.

Carlisle turned towards them and scowled "Didn't you hear me!? Get packing! There's no time!" He yelled, shocking all the members in the house, though not enough to stow their questions.

Rosalie scowled and moved next to Jasper who had crossed his arms defensively and had a look on his face like he wasn't going to budge.

"We're not going anywhere until you tell us what you did!" She said with no room for argument in her voice, she wasn't going to let this go. Not after everything that had happened. 


Soooo some of you may be wondering, why would Carlisle do this? it's so unlike him? but is it really? He's kinda always been down for whatever Edward says, Edward is crafted in his image. the golden son, how could he ever do something like this? honestly, Carlisle is living out his boymom fantasies with Edward and some of the things he was willing to do for him were honestly sickening. I've learned some shit I can't unlearn about Canon Carlisle. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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