Chapter 52

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Jane bowed her head to the kings as she entered the throne room.

She didn't grovel, as much as she might have wanted to she refused to show weakness.

She simply offered her hand to Aro.

She could see all three kings on their thrones, the queen perched in Caius's lap.

Aro immediately stood to greet Jane "Ah, my dear, you have returned. What news have you brought us?" he asked eagerly, taking Jane's offered hand.

He smiled as he came out of his visions "You did wonderfully my dear, let the team handle it now, your gifts are better used here. They will get the trash, you have much more important things to see to" Aro said, trying to give what comfort he could to one of his two favorite guard members.

He turned towards his brothers and mate "It seems Jane brought us back a gift. Carlisle seems to be much more willing to let go of his mate than I would have thought" Aro said as the rest of the queen's guard brought in the pieces of Esme.

"Get her in one piece, won't you? No use questioning a head" Caius said dismissively towards the body.

Aro rolled his eyes "Brother we both know my gift works perfectly well even without the body conscious" He said, leveling the new statue in the throne room with a vindictive smile.

Marcus huffed humorously "Of course, how could we ever forget" he said drolly.

Lia snorted as she stood up.

She winced at the sight of Esme in pieces. She held no animosity towards the women.

She shook her head sadly as the broken pieces melded themselves back together.

Eventually a confused brittle woman was huddled on the floor. She immediately turned towards me, her eyes black before being put under Jane's power.

Esme let out a blood-curdling scream as she tucked back into herself.

Lia walked forward "Jane, that's enough. Someone get her a blood bag, we won't get anything done with her this hungry" Lia said exasperated as she walked back towards the kings. She leaned against Marcus's throne casually as her eyes scanned the women.

The kings were still protective after everything that happened, they barely went a moment without the queen in their sights, she didn't mind, for now.

It had only been a few days so she was soaking up the attention, she knew it wouldn't last so she was trying to enjoy it but it was already starting to grate on her slightly.

She watched as one of the lower guards threw a blood bag at Esme who quickly grabbed it and drank the entire thing dry. She looked like she wanted to lick the bag clean before she came back to herself.

She looked around confused, where was Carlisle, he wouldn't let her be taken would he?!

Before Esme knew what was happening she was held in place as Aro grabbed her arm in a painful grip, though it loosened after a few moments of reading her thought.

Aro sighed reluctantly as he pulled away and walked back up to the dais.

He could tell from his mate's face she wanted to spare the woman if she had not committed a crime, and as much as he once would have taken the opportunity he had promised to try and be better.

Shoulders slumping in acceptance Aro grimaced "She has not committed any crime, while she may have attacked guard members it was only in defense of herself and her mate. She hasn't done anything to warrant death" He said in a tone much like a toddler being forced to eat their vegetables.

Lia just pats his arm as she looked towards Esme "well it would seem you aren't dying today, though you will be monitored for the foreseeable future. Afton, please take her to the rest of her former coven" Lia said calmly as she glanced at Esme, the women had been through enough.

She must feel terrible after the way Carlisle abandoned her, there was no reason to keep her here when we had everything we needed from her thoughts.

Once Esme was out of the throne room Lia turned towards Aro "Well, what did you see?" She asked as she walked back towards Caius who happily let her sit in his lap again.


Esme walked down the hall in a state of delirium. This just couldn't be real.

Carlisle would never leave her.

If Carlisle had left her...that meant she had no one. Her children were gone, her mate had abandoned her. She didn't know how he could do that.

She could never fathom leaving him, she knew they didn't have a true mate bond but they had strengthened their mate bond through years of love. How could he simply cut ties as if it meant nothing?

Esme was almost sure she was dreaming, this just couldn't be real. If she accepted it she would fall into despair. Her family grounded her, gave her a purpose, but her mate, he was the air she breathed.

She had loved Carlisle from the moment she met him, had loved him in her human days, had loved him since the moment he had met her eyes. How was she to survive without him? Especially with no family to lean on. It was too painful for her to accept.

She was barely there as the guard member lead her to a door and knocked.

Esme didn't have it in her to even look up until she heard Emmet's voice "mom?" he whispered as he saw her.

She let out a broken sob at the sight of them, she would have fallen if not for Ememt quickly catching her and leading her into the room.

Rosalie narrowed her eyes at Afton "What happened to her?" she asked, her voice cold.

Afton rolled his eyes "Jane brought her in, no sign of Carlisle. If you want more questions you're going to half to ask the kings or the queen" He said dismissively before walking away.

Rosalie shook her head in exasperation before closing the door loudly and turning back to Esme.


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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