Chapter 57

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Axenof led team Delta to the Denali coven, he had checked the surrounding areas but there was no sign of Carlisle so they had moved to greet the coven and inform them of the situation.

Eleazar stepped forward as soon as the group approached "Axenof? Is everything okay?" He asked calmly as he eyed the team standing in front of him.

He was calm knowing that if they had broken a law the kings would have sent one of the other teams or the Elite to apprehend them. If he was seeing Axenof it meant this was more of a political venture than a bloody one.

Not that Axenof was a slouch, the man was deadly when he needed to be but he had a very diplomatic head on his shoulders so he normally lead more diplomatically inclined missions. It was further proven by the fact Raya was present. Her gift was not meant for combat like Axenof's was or even the superior strength of Santiago who stood beside Raya.

Axenof stood firm as the coven made their way towards them "there has been a situation, I have been sent to update your coven on it as it pertains to the Olympic coven. Carlisle Cullen is now on the run and is most likely to seek your aid. Edward Cullen attacked the queen and was punished thusly, Carlisle did not take this information well and made moves against the Volturi. I do not need to tell you what will be the consequence of aiding him" Axenof said professionally as he watched the coven digest the news.

They seemed shocked and disbelieving, especially the sisters. They couldn't comprehend what he had just said. It was so out of character for Carlisle.

"How did Edward even get near the tower?" Tanya asked as she stepped forward, taking her place as the leader of the coven.

Axenof shook his head "He did not, the former queens were released from their duties when the kings found their true mate. Edward was in a relationship with the queen's cousin and when she broke it off with the boy he did not respond well. He attacked the queen and her uncle before the guard incapacitated him. The kings were justly enraged and Edward Cullen was subjected to justice" he explained.

Axenof had been enraged when he learned of what happened. He had been helping the newborns feed when the queen was attacked. He was the leader of her guard and felt responsible for the attack, he should have done more.

Before he could wallow he had been ordered to chase Alice Cullen with Demetre and Felix before he was relieved by team Omega.

Now here he was leading team Delta, he had wanted to be with the queen but he was Delta team leader so it was his duty to go. Now that she was back at the castle he had less to worry about, the kings would never let someone attack her within the Volturi.

Tanya looked at her coven unsure, she didn't want to believe it but what choice did she have?

Eleazar stepped forward knowing Tanya was in shock, he was too but he knew how the Volturi operated "What do you need from us?" he asked.

"If you are contacted by Carlisle immediately deny him help and inform the Volturi of the incident. Carlisle is unhinged, I wouldn't have believed what he has done had I not seen it for myself" Axenof said as he remembered the time he spent with Carlisle back when he was with the Volturi. He had never thought he could do the things he has done.

Eleazar's eyes widened alarmed "What has he done?" He asked concerned.

Axenof sighed, he shouldn't tell them this but it would insure their aid so he was positive the kings would forgive him "He abandoned the rest of his coven with his mate after trying to insight violence between the shifter tribe of their area and the Volturi. When that failed and he went to run the remainder of his coven refused to leave with him, so he abandoned them and ran. When Jane caught up to him he willingly abandoned Esme to continue running. He is dangerous and desperate" Axenof told them, desperately hoping it wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass.

The Denali coven didn't know how to react to that news. Eleazar could tell Axenof believed what he was saying, the man had always been trustworthy, at least where Eleazar was concerned.


Demetre was tracking Alice Cullen steadily for days. On the third day Axenof was relieved by team Omega which him and Felix now lead on a chase for the Cullen runaway.

They had almost caught her several times but every time she would evade them, this was the tricky part about tracking someone who could see 10 moves ahead but he was getting closer and closer each time.

Demetre could feel himself closing in on the vampire until on the 5th day when he went to sense her with his abilities he got nothing. No signature to track, no pinpoint on her at all. He had immediately called the kings to inform them of the development and was told to continue hunting her by scent alone.

He had continued that for a week before he finally lost any form of trial, he had been enraged and ashamed to report to his kings that he had failed. Alice Cullen had gotten away and Demetre had no idea how she did it.

Alice Cullen was a much bigger threat than anyone had predicted, how she had gone off the radar was unheard of, not to mention the bond she had Jasper under. It left the kings unsettled to have this threat out in the open with no idea what had happened to her.

In the end, they admitted defeat against Alice Cullen and Demetri, Felix, and team omega was told to come back to Volterra, empty-handed.


Long time no see! Hope u guys liked the update, I've gotten some new ideas, some new inspiration. And even two new books on Ao3 if u wanna check them out.

What did u guys think of the chapter? Thought I would give some insight into the hunt for Carlisle and Alice before jumping back into castle life.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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