Chapter 49

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Tatyana and Jorden came upon a scene they were not expecting.

Tatyana let out a shriek as she saw the guard members in pieces, thankfully there didn't seem to be any fire so they were still alive.

Jordan glared around as he sent out waves of fear, hoping to make anyone nearby leave the area.

He was smart enough to know that Carlisle was long gone, he remembered watching him and Caius train all those years ago, Carlisle had been impressive.

He motioned for Tatyana to start putting the others back together, he could see they had already started the process themselves but with no help it could take a long time.

He was surprised to see Jane's head laying three feet from her body, she had an empty expression in her eyes.

Jordan had never had his head ripped off but he had heard that all thoughts ceased, it was as close to falling asleep as a vampire can get. Some even say the experience would be peaceful if it wasn't so painful to stitch your skin back together.

While his mate helped the others get back to their original states Jordan had the fun job of calling the kings and explaining the situation.

Hopefully the Queen would be there and he wouldn't take the brunt of their anger.

Jordan tried to call the kings twice before waiting, he knew logically they were most likely mid-flight.

He put his effort into helping the others instead, he went out to get a few people, the only true way for them to heal after this was to feed.

Jordan walked down the streets, listening, it was late. Not many people were out, but those that were would make the perfect victims.

With the Queen's influence, their hunting habits had changed, the Queen preferred them not to hurt innocents. With plenty of horrid people to feed on it wasn't turning out that difficult.

Jordan listened until he heard a struggle, and what sounded like a women's scream.

He was immediately whisping away the two men attacking the women outside the seedy club.

He had them unconscious and over his shoulder before they knew what happened.

Once he made it back to the others he could see them coming to groaning in pain. They focused on him as soon as they smelt it "I could only get two, it will help you heal for now, we can hunt more once you're done" He said as he threw the bodies to the ground.

Josh and his mate quickly take one, the newborn only being able to share with his mate.

The other three guard members jumped on the other body while Jane sat silently, looking at the ground. She didn't even attempt to feed.

She glared at the dirt beneath her shoes until the others were done with their meals.

As soon as they were done she stood up and motioned for the others to follow her back to the town Jorden had just come from.

They needed to feed more than that, they had lost too much Venom as they were left in pieces.

Jane was brimming with Rage as she hunted, she waited to hear a scream before she was running and ripping into a throat viciously, Spraying blood on the brick walls beside her.

Se didn't even care, she needed an outlet for her rage, She couldn't believe she had failed her kings, had been incapacitated by a vampire over 500 years younger than her. It was pathetic, how would she ever face Aro?!

Once everyone had been sated they immediately continued the hunt for the fugitives, a new fire inside them. She knew Jordan had already called the Kings and once they were available they would call.

Jane was not looking forward to that conversation. She dreaded telling her kings she had failed, she had so rarely had to tell them that in the past and never something this important.

She was out for blood, for the only way for her to come out of this with respect was to find Carlisle Cullen.


Bella watched the way Lia was with her mates. She couldn't help but want that, but be terrified by it at the same time.

She had been sucked in before, gave herself fully to someone only to be spat back out. She was scared to do that again but sitting there watching her cousin with her mates, she felt her eyes shift naturally to the person she had not been able to get out of her mind.

Her eyes fell on Jasper, he was sitting in the far back with Rosalie and Emmet. He seemed to be looking out the window, most likely trying not to focus on the feelings surrounding him.

She felt an incredible longing, to be closer, to be with him, to be held by him. But she couldn't, not right after everything.

She knew what this kind of obsession did to her, and if this was real she wanted to do it right.

Jasper felt everyone around him, especially the mated couples, it was actually quite comforting, he just let himself be swept away by it. Until he suddenly felt a longing, a longing for him, he shifted his stare from the window to Bella, he immediately caught her eyes, he could see as her eyes widened, being caught staring at him.

Bella couldn't even feel embarrassed, not with the feelings she was getting, not with the urge to never look away from his eyes.

He does something completely unexpected, he smiled, and Bella's heart almost stopped.

Bella felt her entire face flame as she quickly turned back in her seat. A smile growing on her face.

Jasper smirked when she quickly ducked away a blush growing on her face.


Admittedly, I get a little carried away with the Bella and Jasper plot in the next few chapters. I get back to your regularly scheduled programming after a few chapters tho. I just think they're so cute. Honestly was never a really big fan of Jacob but some things have changed my mind recently, cuz most of the things we all hate about him r things Stephanie racially stereotypes his ass with. like what she does to the whole tribe is fucked up. You can really see the internalized racism when you read between the lines. 

So in any future fics I might actually ship Bella and Jacob, cuz like what Stephanie did to him was just fucked up. Not in this fic tho, things are already decided. 

Disclaimer: I one nothing but my own original characters and plots. 

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