Chapter 58

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Lia and the kings were incredibly concerned with the knowledge that Alice got away.

The fact she had made herself undetectable to Demetri's gift was unheard of. No one had ever done that before. It left them all unnerved.

Training was increased as well as security around the castle.

While all this was happening Lia had her first IVF surgery. It had gone well even if the kings had been nervous wrecks during the whole thing.

Lia had taken three days in bed being pampered and cared for by her mates to recover, Sandra was very pleased with her recovery rate and had even managed to collect 10 viable eggs from the extraction.

Lia had been annoyed at being on bedrest for 3 days but it had hurt to move around and it was nice to have a few days of just relaxing with her mates without dealing with any vampire drama even if she was bloated and in pain.

Lia almost always had at least one mate with her to cuddle and watch movies, and sometimes make out. It had been nice, most days they were busy ruling, she got to see them but she hadn't just been able to spend days in their company.

Bella and Charlie had both been by the visit while she was stuck in bed. They mainly came when all three kings were needed for something and she was left alone, well alone with two cats who were happy to lay in bed with her and watch some movies.

Charlie had been doing surprisingly well, especially considering he used to be a police officer and now lived with people who drank human blood. Lia and Charlie had actually had many talks about hope the Volturi supplied their blood and it had comforted something inside him and let him become comfortable in his new surroundings.

Charlie was even coming around to the idea of turning but he wanted to wait a little bit before he did that. He was hesitant to have to be away from both Bella and Lia while he was in his newborn year. He wanted to wait until they turned but he realized that may not be the best idea.

He was also uncomfortable with the idea of not being able to eat or sleep. Two of his favorite activities! Lia had agreed with him on that one and they had spent a while talking about it, well complaining about it to each other.

Bella didn't have the same reservations, she had wanted to turn from day one and had no problem with it. So while Charlie and Lia talked about the wow's of losing the ability to sleep Bella spent time with Jasper.

Jasper and Bella had been growing closer and closer, making Charlie particularly uncomfortable but he had no say in the matter so he just grumbled about it to Janice much to her amusement.

Janice found the whole thing between Bella and Jasper adorable, they were like some sappy romance novel. Two people who had been betrayed come together to heal and create a new life together. It was the kind of thing hallmark movies were made of and she had told that to a grumpy Charlie who acted like she had shot him when she did.


Jasper had been debating going back to his old diet and he had made that clear to the rest of his family. It had received mixed reactions.

Esme had just nodded and continued to stare at the wall emptily while Rosalie had been angry and Ememt had been supportive.

Rosalie had been adamant that he shouldn't until he had finally snapped that it hadn't been his choice to drink vegetarian in the first place. It was unfair for her to still hold him to that standard, he had never asked for it.

Rosalie had quickly lost the wind in her sails and had stopped looking at him with judgment, though she did grimace the first time she saw his eyes go from gold to red.

She hadn't said anything but he had seen the reaction. Thankfully Bella hadn't reacted in the slightest, just took the change in stride like everything else.

The change in his diet finally let him reach his physical potential, he had never realized how badly Animal blood affected him. Or maybe he did but was so deep he had no idea what he was missing. He had immediately become better at training and was even starting to impress the guard members.

He spent most days training the newborns that had come in. They were surprisingly controlled for newborns, able to think past their instincts which was surprising. It was probably how they had survived the battle and not gotten caught up in the frenzy like the rest.

The more and more he trained the newborns the more in tune with who he used to be he felt. It was like therapy for him, helping him piece himself back together after so long under the haze Alice kept him in.

He felt more like the Major than he had in years.


Demetre and Felix arrived back in Volterra and immediately greeted the kings, they were surprised by the queen's absence but were too ashamed to even question it.

What was happening to them? They were the Elite! They weren't supposed to fail like this!

Here they were following Jane's failure as well, the kings were noticeably unsettled by this turn of events. Never in their history had their Elite failed this much, it was either them getting weaker or someone else getting stronger.

Both options unnerved the kings and so unnerved the entire Volturi. Caius started personally overseeing training for the first time in 400 years.

All the kings were done taking chances, it was time to prepare for the worst. 


I am not a damn doctor. I have google, that's as far as my knowledge goes on IVF. lol

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plots. 

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