Chapter 24

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The next few days were spent packing and spending as much time as possible with Charlie and Bella, I even let Charlie drag me fishing.

I have nothing against fishing but I personally hate the taste of fish and I don't believe in killing an animal for no reason, trophy hunters were the worst pieces of shit I knew. The least you can do is honor the sacrifice of that animal by letting its death be worth more than a new decoration in your house, or goddess forbid for just a damn picture.

Charlie agreed with me and that's why all the fish we caught were given to Billy if Charlie didn't cook that shit up himself. I guarantee those wolves ate every bit, I couldn't imagine the grocery bills over there...

Bella spent most of the time with the Cullens or trying to make peace with Jacob.

She had dumped his ass hard, not that they were ever official but they definitely had something going on. I dragged her away a few times for girl talks, apparently, she's back with Dickward. What joy...

I was happy to see she hadn't fallen back into her push-over habits. She seemed to be much more confident and assertive with what she wanted, I just hope it sticks.

It was a nice few days with my family, when I wasn't spending time with them I was with Caius, he was such an amazing person to be around. The things he had seen were legendary, the battles he fought in. He would tell me stories of how the Volturi rose to power and how they crushed the Romanians time and time again.

He would tell me about the various guard members and their abilities.

The power the Volturi held was astounding, the guard make them unmatchable.

It was why I was having such a hard time believing that these men were beaten by the damn Bambi eaters. The Cullen's shouldn't have ever stood a chance!

I was determined to figure out what the hell was going wrong and fix it, immediately.

There has to be some weakness in the Volturi that my mates hadn't noticed, something that gave the Cullen's the upper hand. I was determined to purge it immediately, root and stem.

But first I needed to figure out what it was, that had to wait until my return to Volterra though. For now I would focus on my family.


I had just packed my last box and was starting to cook a nice home meal for all of us to have before I leave tomorrow when Bella came storming into the house.

Luckily Charlie was still at work for another hour so he didn't see her like this.

She was livid, her face was beat red as she paced around the living room mumbling to herself. Well damn, tell us how you feel!

I turned off the stove and walked slowly towards her "Bella, you okay over there?" I asked hesitantly as I watched her fume.

She whipped towards me "No! I am not okay, I am dating a fucking idiot! After everything he put me through he thinks I'm gonna marry him?! He act's like me becoming a vampire is some big inconvenience to him! He even tried to say he would agree to me turning if I married him! Like he has any choice!" She ranted as she ran her hands through her hair.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head with an exasperated sigh "You really are dating an idiot. Remind me? Why are you dating him again?" I asked sarcastically. I still think it's plot convenience...

She rolled her eyes "Because most of the time he makes me feel happy and loved, but ever since they came back he's been acting weird, like he gets to make my choices or something! I don't know what happened" She said as she flopped down on the couch.

I snorted mirthfully "Bella, he's always been like that, you just see it now because I pulled your head out of your ass. I hope you tore him a new one though" I said with a smirk on my face.

She nodded as she glared at the floor "I told him it wasn't his choice to make, that me being a vampire wasn't up to him or up for discussion. I told him I'm not ready to get married and then just left. I knew if I stayed he would try and convince me. I just needed to get away and think" She said quietly, the anger leaving her.

I snorted scornfully and rolled my eyes "He comes from a time where you get married young, and live a picket fences life. He expects you to listen to him like a woman back then would. He's to stubborn to change" I said with a biting edge to my voice. Maybe he got turned during a mood would explain a lot...

Bella doesn't immediately defend him which is progress.

She looked at me with scrunched eyebrows "How come you don't have that issue with Caius? I haven't seen him treat you like that and he's much older than Edward" she asked, genuinely confused.

I scoffed "One, They're my true mates, they literally can't do anything to hurt me, treating me like that would hurt me and they know that. Two, true mates are equal in every sense of the word. Three, your dating a dumbass, and my mates are way too smart to think they could walk all over me. Tell me, do I seem very pliant to you?" I asked her with a shameless smirk on my face.

She let out a broken laugh and shook her head "No Lia, nothing pliant about you. I'm pretty sure you would set someone on fire if they called you that" she said jokingly, the tension leaving her shoulders.

I shrugged unapologetically

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I shrugged unapologetically. It's the fucking truth and we both know it, no denying the obvious...

"There's one thing I don't understand" She said as she sat up straight with a serious look growing on her face.

I raised an eyebrow expectantly "and that is?" I asked when she doesn't elaborate.

"Isn't Edward my mate? If he is why does he act like that?" she asked with her head tilted to the side slightly in confusion.


So here it is, let me know what you guys think. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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