Chapter 1

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My eyes shot open as air filled my lungs for the first time in what felt like a millennia but could have only been a few seconds. All I knew was that the air I was breathing, that was filling my lungs felt different, I felt different.

What happened? Where the fuck am I?!

I looked around frantically, the last thing I remembered was a car crashing into mine.

There was a blinding light, a loud banging sound and then nothing and now I was here. Wherever the hell here is...

I saw nothing but black going in all directions, it felt like something straight out of a TV show.

Am I dead?! I have to be dead!

All of a sudden there was a low light hanging over a desk with a chair on either side.

It was very cop show interrogation room vibes. What the fuck is this? I'm not crazy, that wasn't there a fucking second ago!

I stood up slowly "Uhhh, Is this an interrogation? Because I'm pretty sure that asshole hit me, not the other way around" I said as I cautiously walked up to the table.

Suddenly a woman laughed and walked in through a door. Where the fuck did that door come from? Where the fuck did the desk come from Lia?! Nowhere! Get it together!

The woman chuckled and shook her head "Sorry for the confusion, you're my first crack at this so you gonna have to excuse the shit show that is this. Normally this would be handled much smother but I was basically just tossed your file and told go! Seriously!? No warning at all!" The woman said as she ran her hand through her wavy brown hair with an exasperated look on her face.

I just blinked for a few moments before blurting out "I am dead, right? Because if this is some kind of joke it's not funny" I said as I let out a little huff.

The woman grimaced and nodded before putting a file on the desk and starting to flip through it "Yes your dead, sorry about that. Oh drunk driver, but it looks like your sister survived, so that's nice. Now, you're here because your soul got chucked out of the reincarnation loop, which means you are under my department, so to speak" She said casually like she wasn't just talking about my death.

Well, at least Cassi survived...

"Now you get an opportunity, you're actually quite lucky. You're going to keep your memories from the last life cycle, not many people get the opportunity to remember the hard-learned lessons. They usually just have to re-learn them each life until that shit imprints so strongly the soul stops making the same mistakes" She explained with a careless shrug.

I just looked at her unimpressed. Is this just Wednesday in the office for this bitch? It is, isn't it?

She snorted "it's actually Monday" was all she said as she continued to look through the file.

She continued to look over it for a few more minutes as I just sat silently and tried not to think, which just made me think more, I could tell she heard it all by the samll amused smile that grew on her face.

Eventually, she shut the folder with a nod "I think I know where to put you now, Oh don't look like that! This is a reward, I like you, you remind me of me back in the day, all sass" She said with a bright nostalgic smile.

Before I could say anything she was waving and I was gasping awake again in a different place than before. 


Amelia is played by Adaline Kade. Also known as mary queen of scots on Reighn.

So if you haven't noticed her thoughts look like This and eventually when they speak in other languages it will look like this.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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