Chapter 31

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Carlisle stiffened as he realized the implication of their actions. Before he could stop his son the words were spilling from his mouth.

"She wanted revenge for her mate" Edward said, not even fathoming the implication of his actions.

Carlisle had never wanted to throw Edward across a field more than right now.

He wished he could shove the words back down Edwards's throat but sadly that wasn't possible and their actions had now been implicated to the Guard, their very illegal actions.

Jane glared at Edward as the implications of his words sunk in "Are you admitting to leaving a member of a mated pair alive after killing her true mate?" She asked incredulously. The mind reader couldn't be that stupid, could he?

Edward blinked and seemed to realize what he had done.

Carlisle sent him a look to shut the hell up and for once he did when he heard his adoptive father's thoughts.

Carlisle shook his head and raised his hands in a calming gesture "Her mate came after Bella, we were forced to intervene. We tried to hunt down Victoria but she had some type of gift of aversion. Anytime we would get close she would slip away" the said with a desperate edge to his voice, he did not want problems with the Volturi.

Jane nodded once with a small scowl "I will bring this information back to the masters, they will decide what happens next" was all she said as she turned around and motioned for the newborns to follow them away.


The Cullens stared at the retreating Elite guard in shock, this was not how the Volturi normally operates. That interaction had almost been...pleasant.

They were so shocked they almost forgot about Jacob until Bella grabbed Carlisle's arm gently.

He turned to her in confusion before he remembered himself.

"Can I go with you to the reservation? I need to make sure he's okay" Bella asked quietly as she ignored everything around her but her friend who was injured.

Carlisle nodded but Edward made a sound of complaint making Bella's head whip around towards him "What?! I'm going to see Jacob and you don't get an opinion about it" She snapped when she saw the face he makes before something controlling and assholish comes out of his mouth.

Edward blinked in shock at Bella but she just ignored him and got in the car with Carlisle.

Alice glared at the retreating car, she didn't like how things were turning out. Not one bit.

Rosalie watched amused as Bella finally stood up to Edward, she may not like her much but Edward was a dick. He was too controlling and even Rosalie could see it.

She snorted as Emmet let out a booming laugh at Bella's actions "You should really learn to watch your mouth Edward, it's gotten you in trouble how many times today? Because by my count 3" She said sarcastically as she held up 3 fingers.

Edward scowled and went to say something but Esme cut him off "She's right, you could have gotten us killed Edward! You were purposely goading Jane, then you go and admit to breaking the law, To the Volturi!" She scolded with fire in her eyes.

Her son was going to get himself killed! She wouldn't stand for it.

Edward just rolled his eyes, not caring about his adoptive mother's points. He knew he was right. Everyone else was just overreacting.


Bella ran straight up to the Black house.

She could see the pack standing around and Billy on the porch being supported by Sue who had a hand on his shoulder.

She offered Billy a pained smile which he returned with a grimace as Jacob's pain-filled screams came from inside.

Carlisle rushed past her and immediately got to work as she stood outside with the pack.

It felt like hours she heard Jacob's screams, in reality, it was probably about 20 minutes. She didn't know if she could ever forget that sound.

When Carlisle walked out of the house and said Jacob would be okay her entire body sagged in relief.

Her hands shook as the adrenaline worked its way through her system. She had almost lost one of her best friends.

Bella knew Jacob loved her but he wasn't what she wanted, she refused to jump right into another relationship that she knew wasn't meant to be.

She was determined to wait until she finds her actual mate, she had an eternity now and she just wanted to spend it in peace. Though peace was never something in the cards for her before so why would it be now?

She stayed standing where she was as Billy wheeled into the house.

It was a few minutes before he came back and looked at Bella reluctantly "He wants to see you" Billy said gruffly. He was hesitant to let her see his son, after everything that had happened he didn't want Jacob getting upset right now.

Bella nodded and walked into the house and to his room reluctantly.

She saw Jacob laying on his bed, he looked like he had been through hell. She supposed he had.

She grimaced when she saw him making Jacob let out a broken laugh "is it that bad?" He asked in a tired strained voice.

Bella tried to smile but tears came to her eyes "I'm so sorry Jake. You should have never had to do any of this" Bella said as her voice shook with emotion.

She hated how everyone had to risk their lives for her, she felt useless and weak and like she had gotten everyone killed.

He tried to sit up but made a sound of pain as he struggled "Hey, don't blame yourself, I blame the damn Cullen's. They killed her mate and then left her alive. Of course, she came back for revenge, it just should have been against them, not you" Jacob said as he glared at the wall thinking about that damn family, they ruin everything.

Bella was silent, Jake thought he had upset her but when he looked she seemed to be thinking about something.

Bella blinked at the floor as her head spun, she had been blaming herself for so long but it wasn't really her fault. She didn't kill James, she didn't leave Victoria alive, she didn't leave herself in the middle of the woods, She didn't try and get vampire royalty to kill herself....

That was all Edward. 


So what do u guys think? 

happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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