Chapter 6

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This chapter contains mild references to sexual assault. Please if this is triggering just skip the chapter. Though the reference is mild and doesn't go into any detail.

The king's P.O.V.s

The kings had been on edge for two months as they searched for their mate.

They had narrowed it down to America but they were finding it difficult to narrow it further.

Thankfully on the day of their mate's birth Marcus had marked the exact direction the mate bond was pointing in the gardens.

In the past 18 years he had often visited that long scratch he had made in the stone pathway to stare off in the direction of his mate.

The kings used this to cross-reference the birthday and time and were working their way across this line.

It was slow going but they were hopeful, well in the first month.

By the second month, Caius was at his boiling point. There wasn't a moment where he wasn't scowling or snapping at someone.

Caius had always been the most aggressive of the kings but he had never terrified the guard as he had in the past month.

He found himself dismembering guilty vampires himself as of late, anything to stop the feeling of desperation as each day passed without his mate went by.

So when he found himself staring at a pathetic mind reader as he begged for death he felt nothing but contempt.

This pathetic mongrel wanted to die for a mortal who wasn't even his mate, Caius found him absolutely pathetic.

That was until the waste of venom left the throne room and Marcus said the bonds to his soulmate were getting closer together, meaning their mate was coming closer.

She was coming to them.

It couldn't be that easy...Could it?

All that was left to do was wait, and see if their mate would walk through their door.


Lia's P.O.V

I felt more and more at peace the closer we got to Voltera.

I was so happy I had been learning Italian the last few months.

I know the second Aro sees inside my head he won't be letting me leave, I had no problem with it, well as long as they let me get my stuff and visit Charlie and Bella.

I could give two fucks about my parents, I have no idea where the fuck my dad is and my bitch of a mother was probably off finding a new boyfriend so he'll buy her more meth.

I hated that bitch now that I had my memories of my last life. Well, I hated her before but now I know she's a horrible mother.

By no means were my parent's saints but they at least tried in my last life.

My mother in this life would sell me for fucking crack. I would know, she tried once but thankfully the dealer wasn't interested in a fucking 13-year-old.

If I ever see that bitch again as a vampire I might just kill her. She would deserve it for all the shit she did. Who the fuck does that to their own kid?! Thank fuck she was too stupid to actually find someone willing!

Luckily in this life I learned quickly how to protect myself, my neighbor growing up was a Marine. He had a daughter, me and her got alonge really well as kids.

He taught us both how to protect ourselves and how to do it quickly. So the one time one of my mom's creepy-ass boyfriend tried to crawl in bed with me I broke his fucking hand and dislocated his shoulder.

I wouldn't stand a chance against a vampire but I could take down a grown man if I have to. You just need to know where to hit them, and how to break legs.

I might be able to get away from vampires with my weird-ass powers but I would probably have to be really pissed, or scared for my life.

The most I've been able to do is make the nature around me either grow or wilt slightly based on my mood, it was barely noticeable. My mood does seem to have an effect on the weather, but only when feeling extreme bursts of emotions. 

I suppose if I was scared enough I might be able to make lighting, I had made it rain when I was scared on the plane. I wonder what would happen if a vampire was struck with lightning? Maybe I can test it on Dickward? Oh, the possibilities! Wait, no decisions, Pixie will catch on...

My thoughts were cut off as we reached the city and were stopped by the St.Marcus festival. I wonder if Marcus gets a kick out of that? Probably not but I bet Aro finds it hilarious.

I watched with no emotion on my face as Bella ran out of the car into the festival.

I just shrugged as Alice raised an eyebrow at me "Didn't you come here to protect her?" She asked sarcastically as she got back in the car.

I rolled my eyes "Yes, but we both know we'll catch up to her by the time anything interesting happens. I don't really want to see her get all kissy-face with the guy that broke her heart. I wouldn't be able to resist punching him in his stupid face" I grumbled as I sat back in the car waiting for Alice to find a parking spot.

Alice looked at me as if I was the strange one before shaking her head and following the directions of the police officer that was yelling at her from outside of the car.


I rolled my eyes as I followed Alice into the castle and saw Bella and Edward being all dramatic. This bitch is way too forgiving...

Alice failed to defuse the tension as she said "Come on guys, It's a festival. Wouldn't want to make a scene" with forced casualness. Real smooth Pixie, cuz that's gonna work on the fucking Volturi...

I just stand behind Alice with a bored expression but inside my instincts were screaming at me.

I got a feeling of foreboding being around so many vampires but I also felt drawn into the castle.

It gave off a feeling of safety and security which was confusing but I was hoping it was a mate bond.

I didn't get a particularly bad feeling from Felix and Demetri besides the feeling of danger surrounding every vampire that I have come in contact with.

Unlike the Cullens who rubbed me the wrong way every time they came close to me. Whatever this instinct inside of me was it did not like them.

I came back to reality as Jane came into the room "Enough, Aro sent me to see what was taking so long" was all she said before turning around and walking away. Damn, I love that frosty attitude Jainy Painy!

Edward gave me a strange look but I just glared at him. Get out of my head Sparkles, before you get us all killed!

His eyes widened in alarm before he schooled his features.

He gave Alice a look but whatever she was thinking seemed to ease his worry as we all continued to follow Jane.

Bella was staring at me in horror but I just smiled tensely back at her and continued to follow the feeling of safety that was leading to either my salvation or my doom.


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plots. 

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