Chapter 12

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I smiled and shook my head fondly before pulling her into my arms.

She startled slightly before leaning into the hug.

I gave Bella's shoulder a squeeze before pulling away with a smile.

She let out a little sniffle as she looked away awkwardly, she was never comfortable showing vulnerability around people. She just had to get used to it since she was constantly around apex predators.

The bitch is like a gazelle living with a pride of hungry ass lions, but luckily these lions only eat turtles...Wait what the fuck does that make me? Ha, I'm the queen gazelle, and all the lions will bow! MWahahahah!

I saw from the corner of my eye as Edward gave me the side-eye making me roll my eyes.

I just ignored the two Bambi eaters and pulled Bella alonge after me "Come on Cuz, let's go find you a place to sleep and something to eat. Then, I'm gonna ditch you to hang out with my mates before we leave. Sorry, not sorry" I said without any remorse as I continued to lead Bella away as Edward tried to follow but was blocked by the guards as my mates flanked us. Yeah, no fucking way Dickward.

I faintly heard Demitri say "You will be fetched when the plane is ready" before I walked out of earshot.

Bella looked back at Edward with doe eyes making me roll my eyes "Calm down Juliette, he'll be returned to you after I get you a room. Though if you want he can just leave you alone till then, if you wanted to think about things. You shouldn't just forgive him like he didn't absolutely fuck up, make him grovel for it" I said sarcastically as I smirked at her.

She looked at me with something between offense and interest making me laugh loudly.

I just bumped her shoulder and gave her a sly smirk "we can talk about it in a few minutes, he's still in earshot" I whispered as if it was a secret.

She just shook her head and tried not to laugh as I continued to lead her away from the Cullens.


After walking for a few minutes I stopped and turned towards Aro and Marcus who just looked at me amused.

"Did you finally realize you have no idea where you are going Cuore Mio?" Marcus asked as he looked down at me fondly.

I just shrugged with a sheepish smile on my face "Well, either you can lead me to the kitchens, or you can lead me to Bella's temporary room and have some food brought there. Once we're done eating we can go to one of your rooms" I said casually with a small shrug.

Aro smiled and moved in front of me and Bella "Follow me, Anima Mia, you surprisingly were going in the right direction" He said with a small half-smirk of amusement on his face.

I just rolled my eyes and followed while dragging an awkward Bella behind me.

"I have good instincts" I said dismissively as I followed Aro.

Aro's eyes shined with interest "Yes, I saw that. I would love to explore your abilities more when you get back" He said excitedly.

I snorted lightly "of course you would. Well if I don't crash the damn plane on the way I'll be sure to show you" I said sarcastically.

Marcus immediately looked concerned "Why would you crash the plane?" he asked as he looked at me like a kicked puppy.

I smiled sadly at him and grabbed his arm in comfort "I have some type of freaky weather powers and hate flying, not a great combination" I said with regret in my voice. Yeah, not my favorite aspect of my powers. Though they do make me feel like Storm from X-men so they aren't so bad. I just wished my eyes turned white like hers...that would be so cool.

Bella gasped and glared at me "is that why it started storming as soon as we got on the plane?! Wait a second, is that why it snowed a few weeks ago while you were Pms'ing? It's the middle of Spring!" She asked with realization growing in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "Shut the hell up, Don't talk about my damn mood swings" I grumbled as I walked faster ignoring her sputtering behind me. It's not my fucking fault! I have a uterus! What do you want from me?!

Eventually, Aro lead us to a nice room that had a small seating area and a bed in the middle.

He dramatically waved to the room "This should be adequate for the night, I will have someone let you know the travel schedule when Caius gets back" He said charismatically. Oh, look at him being a hostess with the mostess!

I just shook my head fondly while Bella looked around the room with wide eyes.

I walked up to Aro and gave him a quick peck on the cheek "thank you, it's a very nice room" I said sweetly before walking over to the sitting area and sitting down on the love seat.

Bella quickly found her way awkwardly into the single chair while Aro blinked at nothing with a small dopey smile on his face.

Marcus looked at his brother and shook his head with a small smile making me laugh lightly behind my hand while I gave Bella a look.

She just shook her head at me but I could see her eyeing Aro with confusion, he was acting much different than he did in the throne room. Much less intimidating.

Marcus turned to me, practically radiating Jealousy "what do you want to eat, Cuore Mio" he asked quietly as he glared at his brother when he thought I wasn't looking.

I shrugged "something simple, maybe some pasta, if all else fails Pizza is always an acceptable answer" I replied as I glanced between him and Aro in amusement.

He was gone and back within 2 seconds. When he came back through the door he was immediately taking the spot next to me on the love seat.

Aro seemed to come out of his shock then as he glared at Marcus before turning away from him and crossing his arms. Is this gonna be the rest of my life? I think I could live with that...


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

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