The room which was beautifully decorated before was now nothing that a heap of broken things.

"Yuhaan is mine! Only mine!!" She screamed.

Her anger was at peak.

Her eyes fell on the mirror table.

She went and sat down. She looked at her face.

This face, which she was taken care of since be the most beautiful be the most beautiful one to him was now not as attractive as Daarika or suhani.

The body, which was so perfect and slim as a doll's body was not attractive to him now.

He doesn't know how much she has endured to have this slim body and bright and seducing face.

She had to sacrifice so much to attain the shape of it but...... everything is in vain.

She harshly removed her hairpin and threw it on the mirror making it shatter into pieces.

"I know what should I do.........." She said and looked at the broken mirror with  anger.

|Daarika's pov|

What's happening here?? What's so attractive about him that makes all the girl fight over him................

I agree he is one of the handsome men but not a kind hearted generous one.

Avoiding her thoughts she hurried towards Yuhaan's chamber.

"I must hurry.....the situation is turning towards the negative" she thought as she clunched the scroll in her hand.

It says......

Spring has fallen and the throne is on strike,
Hurry and come here before it becomes to late.
Power play changes and we can't say
Who would be the next ruler here.
Execute the plan and reach here soon.


She hid the scroll in her dress as she moved towards Yuhaan's chamber.

"I must take it soon and leave from her as soon as possible" she thought as she got inside his room and locked it.

Her eyes fell on the table rack and she moved towards it hurriedly.

She was about to touch the locked rack when someone pulled her back causing her to loose her balance and both of the fell on the bed.

Daarika opened her eyes and her blue orbs met her dazzling green orbs. Daarika looked at him and saw his drunk messy state.

"Have you here to look after me now?" Yuhaan said and a strong alcohol hit her nose.

"Leave me...' she said but his grip tightened around her hip.

"Why should i leave my wife?" He said In his drunk voice.

"Why everyone wants to leave me....first my Suhani and my child left me and now you are trying to leave me!" He said

Daarika can feel the sadness and change of his voice. He always used to speak to her in cold and mocking way but today, it feels so emotional.

"I warn you, if you try to leave me then.....then....--" he stopped as he looked at her.

Daarika's brow rised as she wanted to know what he would tell her.

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