Chapter 36

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Aaron's POV

"Oh my God!" Jason yells as Cameron drives away. "He just came back for you!"

"He did," I realize. He came back for me. And then he just left. 

"Aaron, are you okay?" Jason asks.

I turn to him. "I don't know. I need a minute to think, I'm sorry," I tell him, walking upstairs to my room, shutting the door behind me and putting my back to the wall and sliding down the wall. 

Cameron wanted to see me. What do I do now?

I hear a knock on my door. "Honey, do you want to talk?" my mom asks. "Jason left by the way." 

"Okay," I open my door and let her in.

"Cameron came back for you, honey. He wanted to see you."

"I know. But why did he leave?" I question.

"He saw you sitting with Jason and laughing. He probably thought you were either back with Jason or you were doing fine on your own."

"I'm not doing fine on my own, mom. I need him. I need him so bad and it's really hurting right now. I love him so fucking much, I can't help myself. I need to go after him myself," I state, getting up and making a move to leave my room to try to go to Cam's house and find him.

"Aaron, no. I'm sorry, I can't let you do that," she tells me.


"You're gonna get hurt again, I don't want to see you like this anymore. You need to stop relying on him to make you happy. You need to find something that brings you joy."

I sit back down on my bed. "I guess you're kind of right," I say.

She gives me a tight hug and looks into my eyes. "I love you so much, Aaron. When school starts up again, do what you need to make you happy, but before then, I need you to find something that makes you happy, and that thing cannot be Cameron, alright?"


She leaves my room and I cry. I was doing better, but seeing Cam again made me sad. He looked so broken when he saw me and Jason sitting together. He definitely got the wrong idea about what me and him were doing before he came in, which was nothing. We were watching the TV.

Seeing him so broken, with his eyes already looking misty, tears about to fall from his eyes, it really broke me. My mom is right though. I need to find something that gives me joy. I got joy from spending time with Alicia, Devin, and Jason, so I should maybe spend some more time with them. That might make me happy again.

1 week and 4 days later...

I've done a decent job of making myself happy again, but today I will be seeing Cameron again. School is back, and it's a Wednesday, which makes me question why we even had to come back to school for this week if it's only 3 days long.

"Aaron, wake up, we're gonna be late," Alicia states from the other side of the door.

I groan and get up out of bed. "Sorry, just give me a few minutes."

I showered last night so I'm clean enough to go to school, I just put on some clothes and do my hair. I look at myself in the mirror, my face is not pale as fuck. For the couple days after Cam showed up to the house, my face was pale, and I looked like a ghost again. I probably should try to not rely so heavily on Cameron to make me happy, but it's so easy and he makes me feel so important whenever I'm around him, except for those two nights. 

Me and Alicia leave the house and get to school barely on time. Because of me and Cameron getting along so well towards the end of the first semester, the two of us switched our schedules around so that we're sharing first period science. 

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