Chapter 28

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Cameron's POV

That was one of the worst things I've ever done in my life. 

I've never thrown someone that I actually like away the way I just did.

I made him cry.

Even I cried.

I never cry.

I'm a fucking idiot.

Why did I do this?

This is all my fault.

I'm driving home right now, tears streaming down my face as I try to get recomposed before I have to see my family again. If they see me crying, they'll ask questions, and that's the last thing I want happening. If they get suspicious, shit could go down, and I don't want anything happening right now. 

I feel like complete shit. 

I can't look at myself in the mirror again.

Seeing Aaron cry was one of the most gut wrenching things I've ever had to look at. Shiny tears coming down his beautiful face as he tried to hide his sadness was heartbreaking. I've seen him cry, but that was for something else. I've never seen him cry because he's upset at me. I was literally about to ask him to be my boyfriend, right as Devin walked in. Maybe it's alright though, there's no way he would say yes. 

I told him not to talk to me.

Devin knows everything.

I'm fine with that?

I'm confused as hell right now. Devin knowing is not even the reason I was so angry at Aaron, which at this point, not 5 minutes after screaming at him, I regret with every brain cell and bone in my body. I feel terrible.

I pull over to the side of the freeway and puke out of the window. I can't believe myself. Why the hell was I so upset with Aaron? I'm so irrational, my emotions are completely unnecessary right now. 

I feel so fucking terrible.

I just puked out of my fucking car window.

What's wrong with me?

Devin probably hates me now too.

I rest my head on the steering wheel as I feel a massive headache approach. This is not the best time to have to be going back to my family, but I have no other choice. I can't stay at Aaron's house for the night for obvious reasons. He probably hates me now anyways. I can't stay at Devin's house, he probably hates me too. 

I hate myself.

I ruin everything.

I lift my head off of the steering wheel and see a cop pulled over in front of me, a highway patrol officer walking over to me. I do not know of any rules about pulling over to the side of the road for no reason, so this might be an issue.

I roll down my window to look at the officer. I try to force a smile and not look suspicious because frankly I'm not really doing anything wrong.

"Good evening sir, do you have any reason for being pulled over?" he questions, taking his sunglasses off. Who the fuck wears sunglasses while they're driving at night? He is more dangerous to other drivers than I am right now.

"No, I just needed to stop for a second," I answer. I really don't have a good excuse for why I'm pulled over. There's not really a good reason either. I can't tell him that I just screamed at the love of my life and now I have to think about it.

"You're not allowed to pull over for no reason, sir, and your eyes are bloodshot red. Are you taking drugs in here?" he asks, looking through my window into the car to see what's in there.

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