Chapter 31

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Derek's POV

I've made a business decision. 

I'm going to break up with my bitch of a girlfriend. Lowkey, I was never totally with her it was pretty much just 'I'm you girlfriend' and I assume she probably felt lucky being with me. She is probably pretty attractive, but I really couldn't care less. She's a bitch and I hate her. She does not deserve my nut. She has been with countless dudes, cheated on them, let entire sports teams hit, all of that. I'm not calling her a slut for no reason.

She let the entire basketball team hit and bragged about it last year, it was kind of crazy. I know at least 3 baseball players hit as well, so I have reasons for calling her a slut. 

I'm gonna do it today. I'm gonna finally break the shackles and shit, maybe I'll come out to some of the team. The reception to me will probably be fine, seeing as Aaron coming out was totally smooth. Cam hated Aaron, and not once did I believe that Cam hated Aaron because of his sexuality. 

Aaron's sexuality didn't even come up that much, everyone was just like 'alright, Aaron's bisexual. Let's move on.' I'm hoping I can get the same kind of reaction to that. Not a damn soul cares that he might be checking the other guys out, they probably just take that as a compliment. 

I get out of bed and go to take a shower, a cold one, even though it's December. December doesn't really hit in Los Angeles the way it did in Boston, it's still in the 60s or, in the worst scenario, in the 50s. I love it here, the weather is just so perfect throughout the year, and sometimes, rain is kind of something I want to see.

Once I'm done taking my cold shower, which felt amazing, I get dressed, putting on a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. People wear jeans a lot, but in my opinion, not only are jeans extremely uncomfortable, they are really not that attractive to wear. Sweatpants look way better than jeans. No offense to the jean loving community, but sweatpants are so much better.

I get in my car, plug my phone in, and play my music. One of the biggest things that makes me think that none of my teammates know that I'm gay is the fact that I listen to trap. Not anything remotely close to gay music, just straight up trap. It's also uncommon for a football player in general to be gay, so that's another anomaly. 

Shit, for all I know, I might spark a coming out chain reaction and a bunch of the guys on the team will come out, that would be pretty crazy, not gonna lie. Maybe Cam's gay? That would be my dream. I come out, Cam comes out, we start dating and shit? That would be fucking amazing.

I park my car in the parking lot, walking over to the school building. Our game is tonight, and I think we'll win. We have done pretty much everything right. Our team is looking absolutely unstoppable, and the last game before winter break should be a walk in the park. Especially considering the fact that we're facing a team who's record is much worse than ours, we should be able to ball the fuck out.

"What's up Derek," DeShaun says, walking up to me and dapping me up.

"Not much, how about you?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I'm doing fine. I just haven't seen my girlfriend enough, she's been out of town for the last week."

"Oh. I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine. Whenever we're together we have a good time. She's pretty chill. How about your girlfriend?" he asks me.

"Oh, yeah. I'm gonna break up with her today," I tell him.

"Damn. Was it not a good relationship?" 

"Yeah, it was pretty much just her asking for sex constantly, and to be honest, I think she probably has a lot of STD's, so I just kept saying no. She kept asking for it, I kept saying no, she became a bitch."

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