Chapter 35

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A/N: Thank you so much for 30,000 reads!!! This means so much to me, all the support is amazing. Thank you all so much! I didn't plan the rollout of the next couple chapters, so I'm sorry for no double update for this milestone. The next update will be Wednesday and the next update after that will be Friday. Because of some major plot points, I can't have double updates. Friday's chapter is my favorite chapter in the entire book, so stay tuned!

Cameron's POV

Aaron is probably the first person I've ever fallen in love with. 

I've never felt the same way about someone as I do about Aaron. He's so perfect, and I'm so horrible. I don't deserve him.

I've liked people before, mostly girls. I've had countless non romantical sexual partners before, which seems disgusting to me now that I know what it's like to love someone. I just want someone I can hold in my arms and hug and cuddle. 

I loved the sex between me and Aaron, but I grew to appreciate the times where he would just have his head on my chest while I played with his hair and we would just talk. We never ran out of things to talk about. I miss him so fucking much it's actually crazy. 

I gave up my family for a decent chance to get with him.  

I gave up my fucking family.

It's fine, I didn't like them anyways. I probably should tell someone that I'm in Jared's dorm room now because people might get worried and try to look for me. And I don't want people looking for me. I just want to be alone right now. 

I've known I'm attractive for years. I walk down the halls in school and see people stare at me, shit like that, blatant eye ogling. 

I would flirt with girls, they would be twirling their hair, to put it quite frankly, I knew and also know that I'm attractive. I get game. I can ask like 90% of the girls in school out and they would flip out. It helps that I play football, that seems to be what girls like for whatever reason. 

I never really knew my full power with people until my sophomore year, when I went on TikTok and saw a video of myself. It was a video of someone recording me while I was practicing, helmet off, all gear off, just a compression tank top on. The caption was 'does anyone know his @?' That was the moment I knew I had powers beyond just a normal handsome dude. The comments were drooling over me as well. 

People on the football team were asking me if I saw the video and I said yes, but I did not want that kind of attention. It was great and everything, but I'm not just a good looking person, I'm also (trying to be) a good person.

With Aaron, I felt my best. He was just a breath of fresh air into my life which kind of felt stale. I was not really going anywhere. I was just going to stay banging 4 different girls every week, never looking for love, settling with being a permanent bachelor.

Aaron changed that. 

Aaron changed me. 

He's such a caring person, he really opened my eyes to how much of an asshole I am to other people for no real reason. He made me want to change to being a half decent person, but clearly that didn't work.

Throwing Aaron away was the worst thing I've ever done in my life. He was the most amazing person in my life, and I just shoved him away. 

I still think about it all the time.

Him crying was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever had to see. 

And I didn't even do anything to help him.

His face when I saw him again at his house when I was just gonna go all out and confess my love to him was also heartbreaking. The way he was laughing and smiling with Jason, who is staying in town for a while apparently. Jared told me, they're friends I guess.

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