Chapter 9 (M)

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A/N: Warning of smut in this chapter, kind of the most detailed so far.

Cameron's POV

Well, if God didn't already prove to me how much he hates me, he definitely did now by pairing me and Aaron up to do a science project. We aren't even gonna get any work done, we're just gonna argue and probably fuck more, which I'm not particularly upset about anymore. 

As much as I wished it weren't true, Aaron Williams is attractive. He really doesn't mean anything to me however, and I still hate him when we're not banging. I'm gonna try to delay having to do the project for as long as possible so I don't spend a lot of time with him. I know damn well that he wants to get this project done with as soon as possible, so he's gonna want to do shit immediately. I said in texts that I wanted to get it done quickly, but to be honest, I really don't give a shit. If I don't get a great grade on this project, I'll still have an A or an A-, so this shit doesn't mean much to me. 

Right now I'm once again sitting in math class completely off in my own world not paying attention to whatever the fuck the teacher was doing, and that's completely fine I don't really care what he's saying. Again, I'm smart enough to just figure it out myself. Powers that I possess cannot be understood by regular peasants. 

"Bro, stop spacing out, I can't do this class without your answers," whispers Darren, waking me up from my daydream. "The hell is so important that you aren't paying attention?" He pays attention and takes good notes in this class, he just struggles, so he needs me to help him. I don't think he's really a burden for me, I'm happy to help a friend.

"Sorry I was just thinking about ummm the NFL," I lie.

I was obviously thinking about Aaron.

"It's fine, just pay attention bro, you know I can't function without you carrying me on your back," he says.

I eventually did begin to pay attention, which I didn't really want to do anyway, but who the hell cares. This class period ended with Darren copying all the answers from the homework, which is totally fine with me. He's close friends with Aaron, and if I can keep him on my good side, that will benefit me greatly. I just need to tend to the relationships I have with the people that I like that are also friends with Aaron so I can avoid trying to reconcile with Aaron.

"Thanks, Cam," Darren says after turning his homework in.

"No problem, you know I'm the plug," I blurt out without realizing what I said.


"Nothing, I didn't say anything."


"You ready for the game tomorrow?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah. I'm one of the best returners in the state, the real question is are you ready? Are you gonna be a dick to Aaron again?" he asks.

"I'll try not to."

"Good. Thanks, bro, I really hope we can win something this year."

"Yeah, same."

At lunch, me, Devin, Kai, and Jax are walking to Devin's car again, but on the way there we are stopped by Aaron. He looks fine as hell today, wearing a hoodie with the hood on, but you could still see his hair because it was so fluffy. His eyes were as beautiful and dreamy as ever, and he was wearing jeans that kind of showed off his ass, which is just tremendous. 

I can't keep thinking about my teammate this way. I said his eyes are dreamy? That's corny as hell I've never fucking called anyone that before. 

"Cam, we should work on the project today," he says, and I roll my eyes. I really feel no motivation to work on this bullshit today. I just wanna go to lunch and eat. Isn't that what everyone wants in life?

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