Chapter 14

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Cameron's POV

After a great day with Aaron, who is really growing on me and making other parts of me grow, I now have to go back home and see my fucking annoying family. As I'm driving, I just turn off the radio, which is not something I usually do because music is pretty much something I always have playing. I've just been stressing about having to talk to them so much. I'm glad I could spend a lot of time with Aaron today, he really took my mind off of the bullshit at home.

He's a great distraction. The fact that I never got along with him is kind of weird looking at it now, he's a really fun person. We just have been at each other's necks for years, and now we're biting each other's necks, which is a massive fucking turn on for me I can't lie. When he bites my neck I just can't control myself, and whenever I do the same to him, he also can't control himself.

As I pull into the driveway of my house, I'm thinking about a lot. The fact that this dispute is pretty much the biggest problem in my life (which means I'm pretty lucky), the fact that my father probably shouldn't be trying to control my life and what my future is, and what my future really is. I would love to keep playing football, and I've already got many D1 offers, but it's really tough to get to the NFL past college, and if that doesn't work out for me, I need a backup plan. Right now, I'm in a very lucky spot because UCLA's current quarterback is absolutely horrendous, so they will need someone else to come in and replace him, and hopefully I can fill that role. 

I walk into my house and notice no one is downstairs in the living room or dining room, so I quickly try to make my way upstairs before anyone notices I'm home. I don't want to talk to them yet, maybe later at dinner or something like that. It's just gonna be so uncomfortable and I hate awkwardness. I'm usually an outgoing guy, but when a conversation is dead, I can't do anything to bring it back. 

"Oh, hey Cam," says Jared.

I immediately put my finger to my lips and glare at him to get him to shut up.

"Huh?" he asks. I roll my eyes.

"I don't want them to know I'm home, I don't wanna talk to these assholes anymore."


"Whatever," I say, walking into my room and closing the door quietly.

I sit down on my bed and turn on my television and watch football. Watching sports has always been kind of bittersweet for me. I love sports, and watching them is fun, but I always find myself yelling at the TV because I'm fed up with the way the team I'm cheering for is playing. Today though, I can't be loud because that would give away the fact that I'm actually home. 

Outside my door, I hear someone walk by, and I assume that no one other than Jared knows that I'm home, so I don't worry about it. 

"Honey, I know you're home," I hear the voice of my mom speak softly into my room. Shit she knows I'm here. 

"Shit," I say to myself under my breath. Maybe if I stay silent she'll just think I'm not here, maybe that might work.

"Cam, please come out and talk to your family."

I remain silent and turn off the TV, making sure there is completely dead silence in my room before trying to find somewhere to hide. If she does come in here, I have to still make it seem like I'm not here. I don't want to talk to anybody right now. I'd much rather still be at Aaron's house, lying down on his bed with his head lying on my chest while I play with his beautiful black hair. 

"Cameron, I don't want to have to come in there," she says, clearly getting annoyed. 

I can't find anywhere to hide. Fact of the matter is that I have a really well kept room, so there is not much I can hide behind or under, but I'm also too tall to effectively hide behind or around anything anyway. There's no chance for me anymore, but I'm not going to come out of my room yet, the time is not right. I still have no reason to want to talk to any of them. 

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