Chapter 26 (M)

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A/N: This is kind of a test. This is a surprise update only because this is kind of a filler chapter. This doesn't really contribute much to the storyline. It's just smut. I want the next chapter released as soon as possible because it's super important to the story. This is the longest chapter so far by the way. This is a test because I want to see how much this chapter can increase viewership just by being released randomly like this. Enjoy!!

A/N: Before we get started. This chapter is possibly the most graphic chapter of the entire book (so far lmao). Please proceed with caution, this entire chapter is smut basically. This is honestly kind of gross for me to even reread, that's how intense it is. I would not recommend reading it to be honest, it's just 6500 words of smut. Half of the shit they do in this chapter, I would 100% not do in real life. It's kind of gross. I don't know what compelled me to write this, but enjoy as best you can I guess. 

3rd Person

Following the 3rd game of the season, the next two months featured very similar results in games for Bryant High School's football team, going 7-0 in the months of September and October, now sitting with a 10-0 record. Aaron and Cam have been getting along extremely well, spending more and more time with each other outside of school, and they have been having sex whenever possible. 

The whistle sounds for the end of them game, Bryant High School coming out victorious with a final score of 56-0. Team chemistry continues to go through the roof, with every game showing that the team is connected and flowing nearly perfectly. In the last 8 games, they had only turned the ball over 2 times, and that's actually insane to be that efficient. The entire team comes into the locker room and is sat down by Coach Payton.

"Great job out there guys, we're 11-0 now, and the playoffs are coming up in April. I know that seems like a long time from now, but that date will come sooner than you can possibly think. You all need to prepare for the playoffs like they're tomorrow, alright?" he says and everyone on the team nods. "Great. Great game by the way, I'm very happy with the way you all played tonight, I hope you can all continue to play like this."

The team mingles for a little while as players and coaches begin to leave the locker room and go home for the weekend.

"Cam, do you wanna come over?" Aaron asks quietly, so no one around them hears.

"It's kind of late, my parents might want me home."

"Alicia and my mom won't be home, just wanted to add that by the way," he states, smirking up at Cam and his blonde hair.


"Alicia is going to Devin's house and my mom has to stay late at work. If you come over, it will just be the two of us. We can do whatever we want."

"Alright, I'll go," Cam grins, staring at Aaron's face and hair. After sex, when they're just lying down together, Cam loves playing with Aaron's black hair and Aaron does not have reason to tell him to stop, because he loves it as well. "I just need to tell Devin that I don't need a ride back to my place."


Aaron waits for Cameron to talk to Devin, waiting in anticipation, tapping the heel of his foot on the ground. They had never really been in a 100% private place when doing it, so recently they have both done a good job at being quiet, but now that they will be totally alone, they don't have to worry about it. 

Cam walks back over to Aaron, and gestures to him that he's ready to go. Aaron begins to feel butterflies go rabid in his stomach, excited for the night. 

The two of them get in Aaron's car, driving to Aaron's house, which is completely empty. Cameron, just like Aaron before, is tapping his foot on the floor of the car. 

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