Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

The coastal forest not only gives people a feeling of intense heat but also a strong feeling of irritation.

As long as you hold a wide leaf and blow it hard, you can successfully expel all the insects that were screaming near your ears.

However, once you stop blowing, the bugs will come back with a vengeance.

Zhang Liu, who had continued this process more than a dozen times, finally gave up the struggle and sighed helplessly.

He originally wanted to get a good sleep and rest, but now he was bothered by these insects.

The cave by the sea is better; there are no insects or anything like that.

Since the wreckage of the plane had not yet been seen, Zhang Liu was very frugal with his food, consuming only a piece of mutton and half a bottle of water.

The cores of the banana tree he was carrying behind him had already been eaten by him as if they were sugarcane.

Not to mention, once you get used to eating this stuff, it tastes pretty good.

At least it tastes better than the banana fruit that resembles Lao Pa's secret recipe.

He took a deep breath and felt his stamina recover.

Zhang Liu looked at the circle of sunlight that was gradually disappearing outside the tree's shadow, and his expression gradually became serious.

He slowly stood up from the shade of the tree.

Starting from the fact that the sunlight was obscured by clouds and completely disappeared in the afternoon, Zhang Liu finally confirmed his worrying thoughts just now.

In this case, it is no longer “it is likely to rain” but rather it is 100% certain that it will rain.

If we follow the description in this Knowledge of the Wild book, there is a high probability that this type of rain will be heavy rain.

So, we currently have only two options.

The first is to rush straight into the plane wreckage.

According to Anya's description, the plane wreckage is a hollow place with a lid on top.

It is very likely that it was the galley area of the plane that she infiltrated before the accident.

Zhang Liu isn't sure yet what will be in the kitchen.

But he was sure of one thing about Anya's information:

He can rely on its hollow properties to hide inside and survive this potential storm.

Another option is to find a way to build a rain shelter.

Zhang Liu had no relevant construction experience at all and could only point to some English videos he had watched of survival in the wilderness. But in short, his body should not be exposed to the rain; otherwise, he will easily suffer from hypothermia and then catch a cold. Even if there was no hypothermia, the soaked human body would be exposed to the heat of the sun, the scorching earth, and the evaporating rain. This kind of sudden heat that alternates between inside and outside is enough to make the human body fragile. After all, this kind of heat is not as gentle and comfortable as the heat in the sauna room of the aristocratic girls' school. There is a high possibility that you will contract some strange diseases.

Zhang Liu unscrewed the water bottle and took several sips of the liquid inside. Most of the original water bottle was suddenly transformed into a shallow bottom. Water that has been heated by the sun is no longer cold. But after swallowing the fresh water, his entire body rose. He then applied the grated coconut that Anya had helped pound in the morning to his face, neck, and arms. Although it may be a bit rancid, it can act as a simple and very useful layer of protection against sunburn. Zhang Liu gritted his teeth, ran straight out of the forest, and started walking faster.

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