Chapter 36: How about we take a bath together?

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Chapter 36: How about we take a bath together?

“Okay… Just a little bit, let’s say we haven’t brushed our teeth for three days, okay?" When Anya mentioned that she hadn’t brushed her teeth for three days, it was clear that her mysterious tone was a bit helpless.

At this moment, she was using her tongue to carefully scratch the teeth to identify them, and then discovered a layer of tartar-like residue stuck to the surface of the teeth.

“Rinse your mouth shortly afterward, and the odor will disappear.”

After Anya told Qin Rushuang, no matter how worried she was, she couldn't help but think of gargling as an emergency method.

Wait until Zhang Liu comes back later, and ask him if he has any ideas.

Unknowingly, Qin Rushuang, like Anya, considered Zhang Liu to be their backbone.

“Oh, there's an oral hygiene problem!” Zhang Liu returned to the cave after solving the physical problems. After listening to the two girls' inquiries, he easily picked up a piece of cooled charcoal from the ground and said, "Crush it into powder, then put it in your mouth and gently rub your teeth with your tongue."

Seeing the black coal with a few grains of gravel on it, Qin Rushuang and Anya looked at each other, both dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Zhang Liu started to squat on the ground and grind the toner powder with a stone, saying it ten thousand times wouldn't do any good; better do it himself once.

He was going to make a personal presentation.

After all, it's okay if the two don't mention it. Now that they were talking about it, Zhang Liu licked his teeth with his tongue, and it was obvious that there was a layer of tartar-like sticky substance on them.

“Is this really good?”

She watched as Zhang Liu dipped some charcoal on the ground with his fingers, then rubbed them on his teeth to make a sound.

Qin Rushuang couldn't help but ask.


He answered vaguely, then picked up the water that had been boiled and cooled last night.

Zhang Liu took a large gulp and started gargling vigorously.

Golo... golo...

As his cheeks continued to swell and retract, he spit the water straight out of the cave after about half a minute.

He licked his teeth again with his tongue; the sticky feeling from before had completely disappeared, and there was still a fresh taste in his mouth, similar to chewing mint.

"Look! The effect is very good!" Zhang Liu smiled at Anya and Qin Rushuang with his showy smile and said, “I have no dirt at all now.”

Qin Rushuang, and Anya looked at each other.

From such a close distance, they were both able to clearly see the black charcoal fragments remaining on Zhang Liu's teeth.

Should I really be putting this dark stuff in my mouth?

After a short hesitation, Qin Rushuang, who was praised by Anya, took the initiative to try.

But it was truly unacceptable for her to put her finger in her mouth and rub it vigorously in front of others.

Qin Rushuang chose to turn her back to them and begin to brush her teeth. Compared to the wild sight of Zhang Liu rubbing like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, her posture was noticeably more elegant.

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