Chapter 4: Our First Night on a Desert Island

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Chapter 4: Our First Night on a Desert Island.

As for Qin Rushuang, she has been pampered since childhood.

Even though she had intended to get up, she ended up falling down instead.

Qin Rushuang decided to take off the wet white underwear on her own initiative.

Wearing wet underwear in this situation would surely lead to various female complications.

After drying it on the hill, Qin Rushuang lay behind the hill to shield herself from the sea breeze and endure the pain.

The presence of Zhang Liu gave her a sense of dependence in her heart.

Qin Rushuang, who had just been tormented by extreme pain, couldn't think clearly.

"Um... I can tell you're not feeling well!" Zhang Liu nodded vigorously, trying hard to avert his gaze from the underwear on the floor. "Are you okay, Qin Rushuang?"

"I feel a little uncomfortable..." Qin Rushuang walked to the side, picked up her underwear, and put it in the back pocket of her skirt. Leaning against the hill, she softly gasped for breath.

The pain in her stomach made it unbearable for her to even sit down at the moment.

"I found a few pieces of foam that can be used as pillows later..." Zhang Liu looked at Qin Rushuang, sensing that something was amiss, and said, "They can be placed under our bodies to avoid direct contact with the sand."

"Yeah!" Qin Rushuang nodded slightly, walked towards Zhang Liu, and was about to pick up the foam board placed next to him as a pillow.

But as she bent down, Zhang Liu grabbed her hand directly.

Weak, boneless, thin, and soft, as if holding a piece of fine jade...

Zhang Liu, who had been single for seventeen years, felt the touch in his hand and couldn't help but be startled.

As for Qin Rushuang, whose hand was grabbed, her entire body and heart trembled violently.

Not out of fear, but out of embarrassment.

She had never experienced such close contact with a boy her age, having her hand held in such a way.

Qin Rushuang took a deep breath and tried to remain calm as she said, "I can do it myself."

"Sorry!" Zhang Liu quickly let go of her hand and explained, "There are blades inside the top two foam panels. I was afraid you might accidentally get hurt..."

While Zhang Liu was explaining, he suddenly stopped speaking.

This was because Qin Rushuang stumbled and sat down abruptly.

Her once beautiful and delicate face turned pale, her lips tightly pressed together, and she used her arms to brace herself from falling.

"Are you alright?" Zhang Liu hurriedly walked over to Qin Rushuang, picked her up, and leaned her against a small rock.

Qin Rushuang tried her best to cooperate with Zhang Liu's movements, but the intense pain in her lower abdomen made it impossible for her to pay attention to Zhang Liu's question. She simply shook her head slightly to indicate that there was no major problem and continued to rest against the rock with her eyes closed.

However, her response was enough to bring some relief to Zhang Liu.

He soon noticed the bright red bloodstains left on the beach.

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