Chapter 26: Better to eat a meal than to fall in love now.

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Chapter 26: Better to eat a meal than to fall in love now.

"Ahem... Anya, please stop poking my sore spots." Zhang Liu walked behind them while talking.

Carrying a large bundle of firewood on his shoulders, he walked slowly, and his light steps went unnoticed by the two excitedly talking people.

Hearing Qin Rushuang and Anya's comments about himself, especially Anya's words, "It's impossible for me and him,"

Involving other men in puberty might lead to anger or feelings of revenge, but Zhang Liu didn't care. He was secretly happy that Anya didn't have foolish thoughts about being responsible for supporting him.

At its core, he had the mindset of a Phoenix man striving to climb the ranks of the rich, and the class gap from different life experiences was something he couldn't catch up with in his life.

So Zhang Liu silently waited for the conversation between the two to end. Then he would go, and everyone could pretend that nothing had happened.

He went there early because he heard Qin Rushuang's subsequent words, indicating she was planning to say something else. Although he hadn't heard the entire story, Zhang Liu could make a rough guess.

Perhaps Qin Rushuang said he wasn't inherently bad and then suggested that Anya could support him...

He didn't bother to care about such words. For Zhang Liu, who was limited by poverty, Qin Rushuang and Anya could give him a huge sum, around 100,000 yuan ($14,000), if they successfully escaped. That's the best reward.

Instead of Qin Rushuang deceiving Anya, starting a business, or something similar, Zhang Liu only wanted money.

In a civilized society, he always only desired money.

On this desert island, he especially wanted to see the rescue plane descend from the sky.

As for women and such...

Zhang Liu had no such thoughts at all.

In his words, is it uncomfortable to do it yourself?😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

If you feel that your hands are not satisfying, you can also save money to buy a NetEase Cloud cup in the future, which is said to have a rotating vibration function.

You, a woman with a carbon-based biological structure, can you also use a magic skill that rotates five times per second and vibrates dozens of times?

Zhang Liu slowly walked towards the two silent people, put down the firewood, and said in a very serious tone, “Classmate Qin Rushuang, Classmate Anya, please don’t worry. I know the identity difference between you and me, so I won’t think anything wrong about you.”

After saying that, Zhang Liu smiled, then shrugged his shoulders and turned away quietly.

For him, instead of having an afternoon tea conversation with two girls who were only destined to be classmates in this quiet place, it would be better for him to go to the beach and see what he could pick up and put in his mouth. He wanted food right now.

Only people with mental illness fall in love when they are hungry.

But after Zhang Liu left, Qin Rushuang and Anya looked at each other, then fell into a slight entanglement again.

"Is he...angry? Won’t he want us anymore?” Anya asked anxiously in a low voice as she calmly looked in the direction Zhang Liu was heading.


Qin Rushuang didn't answer; she just hugged her knees with both hands and stared at the beach in front of her, as if she were counting how many pebbles there were.

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