Chapter 56: The boy who is served and helped by two girls

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Chapter 56: The boy who is served and helped by two girls

It was a peculiar experience being coerced into eating barbecue by the affluent girl in my class.

After all, what boy wouldn't enjoy being force-fed by a wealthy girl?

That is, if she wasn't nearly suffocating him to death...

After devouring the food given by Anya and Qin Rushuang, Zhang Liu hurriedly left.

His destination was the pit, where the lamb legs were roasting, and he needed to monitor the situation.

After a while, Zhang Liu arrived at the exposed rock, the hole about ten meters in front of him.

In the distance, green smoke billowed from the hole, indicating that the intense boiling situation had subsided.

Standing at least ten meters from the hole, he stopped, just in case, touching the ground with the back of his finger.

The cold touch that met him indicated his extreme anxiety.

Zhang Liu sighed slightly and walked towards the pit entrance.

As he approached, a wave of heat swept over him.

Narrowing his eyes, Zhang Liu peered into the hole.

The long stick he left for ventilation had completely burned, turning into a few thick charcoal pieces at the bottom with a red glow.

He kicked the rocks into the hole with his foot to make sure nothing was loose.

Sitting on the edge, he extended his hand over the rock's edge to feel the temperature with the back of his hand.

A little hot, but manageable. He boldly touched it, confirming it was safe.

If he could catch it, there would be no risk of slipping or having no place to grab on.

Being in the wilderness, every action required careful consideration.

Zhang Liu ran to the side, found a longer wooden stick, and began stirring the ashes at the bottom.

The stick showed no adhesion, indicating extensive burning inside—the success of the pit-burning plan!

However, while stirring, some remnants of withered grass or leaves not entirely burned ignited, starting a second round of burning on the rock wall.

After mixing every spot in the hole with plant ash, Zhang Liu threw the stick away and sighed in relief.

Initial preparations have been completed!

The next task is to prepare dinner.

In his mind, four huge roasted lamb legs were already waving at him!

Zhang Liu only saw a barbecue recipe on TV.

But he remembered every detail clearly.

The allure of sizzling roast lamb for poor teenagers is very strong.

The first step is to get enough firewood!

This problem is easy to solve; just make more trips back and forth.

After several days of accumulation, a large pile of firewood was stored on flat ground near the cave.

The three picked them up from nearby or from the distant forest.

They are all thick and long, and the thickest and longest is a wooden stake that is more than three meters long and has a waist-width radius.

It was originally a very tall tree, but it was eaten by insects and then smashed, and later, Zhang Liu and Anya carried it away.

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