Chapter 23: This Thing Hurts My Chest

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Chapter 23: This Thing Hurts My Chest

Under the pull of the bowstring, the lower end of the small stick standing on the dry wooden shaft began to produce small-sized wood shavings.

This was just the beginning; Zhang Liu secretly gritted his teeth, and as he pushed the wooden stick in his hand downward, the bow he was using to carve the wood to make the fire pumped back and forth stronger.

Give me one success!

His arms began to ache, but in response, a small hole was drilled into the dry wood.

The wood shavings near the entrance to the hole turned brown, and small streams of green smoke began to emerge from them.

The smell of smoky wood also began to appear in the air.

"It's smoke!" Anya, who was sitting, couldn't stay still, and after smelling smoke, she quickly stepped forward to take a closer look.

Qin Rushuang, who was gently rubbing the chest of her shirt next to her, left her work and walked forward.

The two of them unanimously chose to bend down and observe this scene.

It's just that the directions are different; Anya is facing Zhang Liu, while Qin Rushuang is standing behind Zhang Liu.

The sun in the sky was so toxic that even if he took off his clothes and exposed his upper body, Zhang Liu was already sweating from all the movement.

There was continuous sweat flowing along the forehead, across the eyebrows, and then into the eyes.

He had to blink constantly to relieve the pain in his eyes due to sweat.

This is not the most important thing. Zhang Liu is more worried about his arm right now. Although thick smoke was coming out, it had reached its max.

The pain in the arm muscles built up to the extreme, and Zhang Liu sighed heavily during the next push and pull.

Then the bow slipped from his hand and fell silently.

Zhang Liu himself was leaning on the ground with one hand and breathing hard.

The muscles in his right forearm and upper arm had lost all feeling, leaving only severe numbness.

"Ah?" Anya, who had no idea what was happening, suddenly showed a surprised expression, then quickly shouted, “Zhang Liu, keep going; it’s about to catch fire!”

From Anya's point of view, the wood used as the base for the kindling point now contained dark shavings. This is obviously due to the carbonization reaction caused by high temperatures. It was a pity for Zhang Liu to stop now.

“It seems that his hands are very tired, and he can't do it anymore.” Qin Rushuang quickly unscrewed the half-filled mineral water bottle in her hand, then put it in Zhang Liu's mouth and began to give him water at an angle.


Zhang Liu was not polite to Qin Rushuang; he held the bottle with his left hand that could still be used normally and directly drank half the bottle of water.

He sighed, and then, under Anya and Qin Rushuang's anxious gazes, he said with a mocking smile, “My muscles will be sore after pulling for a long time, and then I won't be able to do it anymore.”

“But it is very effective.” Qin Rushuang put her fingertips on the pile of black sawdust and felt it, then quickly pulled it out, then said, “The temperature is too high.”

“Well, I have specifically chosen one.” Zhang Liu looked at the sun that had reached the center of the sky, then said, “The highest temperature means the greatest possibility of ignition.”

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