Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Zhang Liu and Anya briefly encountered Qin Rushuang, who had just returned from picking up wood on the beach, in the cave, and then they separated again.

Everyone has something for everyone.

Qin Rushuang planned to make a fire after collecting this wave of wood, then went to the grassland with the deep hole to collect some hay and come back.

Although the foam panel padding under the body has soft and warm properties.

But after those two nights of sleep, she also discovered a very killer feature of foam boards.

Stuffy and tight.

After feeling the texture of the soft grass personally at noon, Qin Rushuang thought that she could try using these tender wild grasses as sleeping mats.

If she sleeps well tonight, she will recommend this method to Zhang Liu and Anya.

She picked up a large handful of yellow grasses with distinct roots and stems from the ground and was about to turn around and leave when her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of white.

After being stunned for a moment, Qin Rushuang clearly saw that this white patch was made up of several fat rabbits.

It seemed like it had been hidden under this bunch of weeds before.

After she pulled the cover away, they all stared at the tall, two-legged creature they had never seen before with their little black eyes.

The body is round, with little paws cradling under their chest, raised ears, and the three-petaled lips slightly open, as if they are still chewing the food they have just eaten, and at the same time, the beard on both sides of their cheeks is trembling slightly.

It's a cute and scared look.

The tender spot in her heart was instantly touched. Qin Rushuang dropped the grass and wanted to bend down to touch them.

But before she could extend her hand, several rabbits had already reacted, and after shouting “Oh,” they quickly disappeared.

“What a pity... What a cute bunny! It would be nice to be able to touch him.”

Qin Rushuang looked a little regretful as she spread the grass inside the cave and spoke to herself.

Later, she weeded several places, but no rabbits were seen.

At this time, a feeling of hunger came to her stomach, and Qin Rushuang's movements suddenly stopped, and her expression became more solid.

A terrible idea flashed through her mind.

These cute bunnies look like they have a lot of meat.

It's okay if you don't bring up this idea.

As soon as she came out, Qin Rushuang's mind seemed to be possessed, and she began to think about the rabbit dishes seen in various online videos.

Braised rabbit meat, spicy rabbit head, stewed rabbit with carrots...

She swallowed desperately, picked up the jiabao fruit that Zhang had left in the cave, and put a few in her mouth to relieve her hunger. Then, her eyes began to wander towards the grass where she had just seen the rabbit.

Can she think of a way to catch some rabbits...

This is Qin Rushuang's only thought at the moment.


As "healthy" workers, Zhang Liu and Anya also have their tasks.

Being a boy, Zhang Liu, who is fit for hard work, searches for various oysters that can be eaten and preserved in the seawater that is only more than one meter deep after low tide.

After living on a desert island, they all plotted evil against meOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant