90 | a very, very beautiful life.

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yeri closed the door behind herself. louis was playing with sweetie in his bed, as yeri walked around the empty guest room they had for louis. yeri had left sweetie's bed in it, due to the fact she believed that louis might sleep better with sweete in his room.

louis finally noticed that yeri enterd the room. his bright smile appeard on his face, as yeri sat down next to him. she pulled him into a soft hug, as sweetie got up on her arm. both louis and yeri started laughing, as sicheng finally made his way into the bedroom. he smiled, as louis jumped off the bed.

" hi. " louis said, as he pulled sicheng into a hug. " did you think i played well today ? because i think i did ! " he let out a laugh, as sicheng nodded. they went to sit down next to yeri, who was scrolling down her phone. she looked up, before letting out a small sigh. " aunt yeri ? is there anything wrong ? "

" absolutely everything is wrong. " yeri replied, before sicheng raised his eyebrow. " i talked to my hairdresser. she is not able to do my hair on the day of our wedding. i need her to do it, and now i'm not sure if my nail artist will be able to do my nails either ! " she yelled, before quickly covering her mouth, seeing louis. " apparently, there is some event then .. "

" did you offer to pay her more ? " sicheng asked, as yeri shaked her head. " then you must do that. it always works, and if it doesn't, then i will find out what event there will be. " he tried sounding like he wasn't scared of trying to reach out to people in power. " you see that, louis ! you must be tough in life. "

" if you want to be tough, please don't be like your uncle. " yeri shaked her head, as sicheng widened his eyes. " also, tomorrow is your first day at school ! " she squealed, as louis nodded, a little confused by her sudden mood change. " well, it is not actually your first day, but your first day with us as the people who take care of you ! "

" yes ! " louis replied, as both sicheng and yeri smiled towards the young boy. " i should go ahead and sleep. tomorrow is a big day, and it is my first time trying to sleep in another place. it might take a lot of time for me to fall asleep. " he explained, as yeri nodded. they got up, as louis slowly laid down on the bed. sweetie jumped next to him.

yeri covered him with the blanket, as she and sicheng said their goodbyes to louis. they walked out of the room, as sicheng pulled yeri into a hug. they both started laughing, as they finally got to their bedroom. yeri ran to the bathroom, as sicheng laid down on their bed, yawning.

" sicheng, can you believe that i will take louis to school tomorrow ?! " yeri asked, as she jumped on their bed. she seemed so excited, thing that made him smile. he nodded, as yeri showed him her phone. " in exactly 9 hours, i will be driving louis to school. then, me and sooyoung have our hair appointement. "

" i love it when you are excited about these things. " sicheng said, as yeri pulled him into a hug. she placed a kiss on his cheek, " i hope that you won't be so sad when he leaves with his mother. as i've said, i have no idea when she is going to come back, but she will, at some point. " he explained to yeri, who shaked her head.

" i don't want that to happen. ever. " yeri sighed, " i want to be with louis for the rest of my life. he is such a sweet boy, and it's so sad to see him try and leave his struggles that he had with his mother and your brother. he is seven, he shouldn't think about how violent his father used to be. those words hurt me so much. " yeri wiped off her tears, as a small sob was heard.

" yeri, please calm down. louis will be fine with us, he will be happier with us. " sicheng assured yeri, as he rested his head on hers. yeri tried calming herself down. " i want to be with louis, too. i want him to be raised in a great enviroment, where he won't think about not being happy. " he let out a sigh, as he noticed that yeri had fallen asleep.

he felt his eyes getting heavier. he slowly closed them, drifting away into a deep sleep.

" louis ! " yeri waved towards him, as louis turned to him. he waved back, as yeri let out a laugh. " take care at school ! if anything happens, make sure that you hit them back ! " she yelled, as a few mothers widened their eyes. yeri started laughing, before she walked back to her car. louis had gotten into the building already, and yeri had a hair appointement.

yeri got the salon, seeing that sooyoung was waiting for her. yeri got into the salon, pulled her friend into a hug and sat down. sooyoung handed her a coffee, as yeri thanked sooyoung for it. the girls drank their coffees in their silence, before their hairdresser arrived.

" i'll go first, right ? " sooyoung asked, as yeri nodded. she sat down on the chair, before letting out a sigh. " yeri, seulgi is still not happy with what i did. you know, i explained to her that me and doyoung didn't do anything, and even doyoung told her how much he loves her and all of that. " she rolled her eyes, as the hairdresser started working on sooyoung's hair.

" i hate it when she is like that. " yeri scoffed, as she put down her empty cup of coffee. " i don't think that she even realises that doyoung actually loves her, and not you. " yeri sighed, before she got up. she sat closer to sooyoung, " they are messier than i was at the beginning with sicheng. "

" they will also have plenty of time to figure out what they think of eachother, until you and sicheng's wedding. if we see them get together then, that means everything is official. " sooyoung started laughing, as yeri started nodding. she covered her smiles with her phone, before sooyoung was asked how much she wanted to cut her hair. " here. " she pointed to her elbows, as the woman nodded.

" i took louis to school today. " yeri said, as sooyoung smiled towards her. " it was so much fun. i loved it, and i want to do it for the rest of my life. " she continued smiling, as a laugh escaped sooyoung's mouth. " you know, i got really angry because of the nail and hair things, but sicheng said he'll take care of it. " yeri said.

" you can call it .. a beautiful life. "

book 1 is officially done !! 🥹✨️ i will go ahead and start a new story ( maybe tomorrow, or i will take a small one day break and come back on sunday ).
book 2 is going to come after that ! however, instead of following mostly yeri and sicheng, but i will also introduce much more character and go through wayyy more plotlines.

thank you so much for reading book 1 of evil & completely in love ! it really got me to realise how much i loved writing these type of stories, in which i have fun and allow myself to use simple plotlines and expand them through the characters i wrote.

see you in book 2 💋

evil & completely in loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora