83 | a fight over a heart.

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yeri was still wondering about sooyoung and what she had done the previous night. she sat on her bed, seeing that sicheng was searching for his work clothes. sweetie jumped on yeri's lap, as sicheng made his way from his closet. the two looked at eachother, before a small laugh escaped yeri's mouth.

" sicheng, you never fail to make me believe that you like to dress like a grandpa. " yeri covered her face, trying her best to stop laughing. " i always find it funny how you used to be the biggest party boy in the city and how you always spent your time with random women and now you dress like you're retired. " she said, as sicheng came closer to her.

" see ? " sicheng lowered his head, as he pointed to a few white hairs. " i aged at least twenty years because of you. " he said, as yeri shaked his head. sweetie jumped onto sicheng, as sicheng picked her up. " are you seeing this, sweetie ? your mother is not admitting that she made me the old man i am today. " he glared towards yeri, who shaked her heas again.

" sicheng, it is your fault ! " yeri yelled back to sicheng, " you are the one that is old in this relationship, and it's been happening since you became a chairman. " she explained to sicheng, who was still shaking his head. sweetie jumped from sicheng's hands, going back to lay on yeri's lap. sicheng sat next to yeri, before pulling her into a hug.

" what are you doing tomorrow ? because, maybe, after work, we should go somewhere together. " sicheng suggested, as yeri shaked her head. " do you want to stay home ? i can do something for you. " he kissed her cheek, as yeri pointed to her nails. " no, yeri, i will not attempt to do your nails again. last time, you almost murdered me because of it. "

" no, what i was trying to say is that, do you want me to do your nails ? " yeri asked, as sicheng widened his eyes. " come on, sicheng. i need to practice my skills for when i'm going to do sooyoung's. please, please, please allow me to do your nails ! i will actually attempt to be nice to you for a whole week. " she started shaking sicheng, as he shaked his head.

" no, yeri, i can't just allow you to do that ! " sicheng replied to yeri, who was not happy with the answer. " yeri ! i don't want to get my nails done, and i will now have to hide my nails at night. " he sighed, as yeri nodded. she got up, before walking away. sicheng raised his eyebrow, " yeri, please don't telp me that you are angry about my decision ! "

a few minutes passed, before yeri finally returned. she was holding a teacup, as sweetie jumped on her. yeri started laughing, before putting her cup on the nightstand. she laid down next to sicheng, as he tried to pull yeri into a hug. she glared towards him, as sicheng started laughing. yeri pushed him away, before she let out a hiss.

" my nail ! " yeri yelled, as sicheng got up. he held her hand, seeing that yeri lost her nail while she pushed him away. " this hurts me so much, i want to die. " she said, as a tear rolled down her cheek. sicheng looked around, before he tried finding anything that could help yeri. " i need something. maybe .. a boyfriend that allows me to do his nails ? "

" yeri, didn't you just start crying over your nails ?! how about i do your nails tomorrow ? " sicheng smiled, as yeri widened her eyes. she shaked her head, as sicheng sighed. then, yeri suddently smiled back to sicheng, before slowly nodding. " so, will you allow me to do your nails tomorrow ? i will make them bright red, because i like that color. "

" just this one. " yeri pointed to her missing one, as sicheng nodded. " okay, you can do my nail bright red, but if i get another photoshoot and i will show up with this weird red nail, i will hit you. " she told sicheng, who nodded again. " actually, you will also do your nail, so it can match mine. that will be extremely cute and i will love it for the rest of my life. "

" okay, we will have a matching nail from now on. "

jaehyun took a small sip of his coffee. kun sat infront of his friend, before picking up the newspaper. he looked through it, as jaehyun put his cup of coffe down. the two looked at eachother, as jaehyun noticed that jungwoo walked in the coffee shop. kun turned back to his friend, who was still watching jungwoo.

" what do you think about your ex-girlfriend going for athletes now ? " kun let out a laugh, as jaehyun turned back to kun. he didn't seem to bother answering, " what are you going to do about it ? oh, wait, i forgot that you don't care about sooyoung and that you want to be unmarried for the rest of your life. " he smiled in an evil way, as jaehyun rolled his eyes.

" you're trying to be very funny. " jaehyun replied, as he widened his eyes. jungwoo took a chair, now sitting down next to them. " i didn't expect you to be here, next to me. i thought you were angry that i was the side-chick of your girlfriend. " he let out a scoff, as jungwoo took out a cigarette.

" i am not happy to sit next to you either, but our ex-girlfriend is suddently dating another man, and she is going out with him, taking photos at his house .. " jungwoo let out a sigh, as kun tried to show him that smoking wasn't allowed in the building. " i feel bad for what i did to sooyoung, but i broke off my engagement, because my fiancée found out about me and sooyoung. "

" you are a terrible man. " kun suddently said, as jaehyun agreed with him. " not even sicheng got engaged to a woman while he was going out with another one. " he scoffed, as a laugh escaped jaehyun's mouth. " you know what, both of you were terrible to sooyoung back when you dated her. she is clearly happier with doyoung, who is surely not engaged ! "

" kun, are you here to make us feel bad ? everyone makes mistakes, but me and jaehyun happend to make a lot of them while we were with sooyoung. " jungwoo tried explaining, as kun shaked his head. " however, i don't think that doyoung is a better man, because he is quite weird. he's been like that since high school. "

" if sooyoung is happy, then doyoung actually knows how to act in a relationship ! " kun argued back, as jungwoo let out a sigh. " i don't think that you two deserve to go back to sooyoung ever again, especially after what you did. let her live her own life, and focus on your own. " he reminded the two, who both nodded.

" sicheng ! " yeri yelled, as she enterd his office. she waved towards him, as sicheng let out a small sigh. " are you not the happiest to see your beautiful wife entering your office, to bring you homemade food ? that she made herself ? " yeri asked, as sicheng widened his eyes. " oh, so you don't want me to give you anything ? okay, then i will go and .. "

" give me the food. " sicheng said, as he took the container. he slowly opened it, revealing what seemed to be a cream soup. he took out the slice of garlic bread, before dipping it in the soup. " did you actually make it by yourself ? " he asked, as yeri nodded. " i am shocked to hear that you made food for me. is it poisoned ? "

" sicheng, we are not married yet ! " yeri yelled, as sicheng raised his eyebrow. " i still won't get your life insurance ! "

jungwoo and jaehyun looked at eachother. after kun left them, the two still stayed in the coffee shop, to talk. jungwoo took a bite of his croissant, as jaehyun tried looking away. " are you okay with sooyoung dating other people ? " jungwoo asked, as jaehyun shaked his head. " you dated her for five years, isn't that so much for you not to be bothered by it ? "

" jungwoo, that was in the past. she has moved on, i have moved on, everything is over. you have to think like that aswell. " jaehyun looked at him, as jungwoo let out a small sigh. " i sometimes try to forget about her, but, afterall, she has her own future, and i am not apart of it. " he said, before checking the clock.

" jaehyun, i might not have a single chance to get back with her, but you might still have. so, go and fight for her. "

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