89 | actual parents, but not really.

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the moment she met her nephew, yeri was sure that she was going to love him more than anyone else in this whole entire world. yeri took louis, ignored the fact that sicheng was unsure of what was going on and left with the boy to go and buy dinner for louis, who suggested they'd get pizza, with his favourite topings.

" i actually love pizza. however, mom never bought it for me. " louis sighed, as the two walked into the pizza place. they walked up to the employee, who smiled towards them. louis looked at the menu, before he pointed to a photo of a pizza. " this one. i don't like anything weird on my pizza, so i will do a ham one. " he let out a laugh, " can we get a large one ? " he asked, as yeri nodded.

yeri paid for the pizza, and bought an orange juice for louis. they sat down at the nearest table, as yeri took out her phone, which she had charged previously. louis looked around, before yeri put her phone away. " louis, are you excited to stay with me and sicheng ? because i am. i've always wanted to raise a child, and you look like such a cute one. " she pinched his cheek.

" i am very excited. mom didn't tell me much about you two, but i know that uncle sicheng is going to be better than my father. i was always scared to be around him, because he could get very angry at times. " louis explained to yeri, who nodded. she held him by his tiny hand, looking at the small scratches he had. " i hit myself there .. don't worry ! "

" they look fresh, for some reason. " yeri looked up, " don't worry. me and sicheng will take care of you, and you won't hit yourself anymore. " she smiled towards him, as she noticed that their pizza was ready. yeri went up to the employee, taking the pizza. louis got up, as he took his bottle of orange juice. " i think sicheng will be happy to eat pizza tonight. "

yeri and louis left the pizza place, as yeri noticed sicheng's car infront of it. she opened the door for louis, as he jumped into the backseat. yeri put the pizza next to him, before going to the driver's seat. sicheng waved towards yeri, as both of them started laughing. louis watched them, before he slowly closed his eyes.

" kun handed me this paper. it's written where his school is, the days he has football practice and everything else. " sicheng explained to yeri, who took the paper. she looked over it, as sicheng let out a small sigh. " his mother is going to take him back after she returns from the states, where she went to work. we don't know when she is coming back. "

" i don't want her to come back ! " yeri yelled, as sicheng started laughing. he shaked his head, as yeri hit his arm. " sicheng, i love this child so much. you know how much i love children, and something about louis .. he's so adorable ! " yeri told sicheng, as he nodded. she went back to looking at the paper, " me and sooyoung will take him to football practice. "

" sooyoung is going to freak out when she will find out about us raising a child ! " sicheng yelled back to yeri, as louis' small snores were heard. sicheng stopped at the red light, before he looked back to watch his nephew. he smiled, " i feel bad for him and what he probably went through while he was with my brother. i didn't even know that he had a child. "

yeri let out a laugh, before they got back home. yeri ran outside, as she slowly picked up louis from the backseat. sicheng took the pizza, as a few maids greeted the three infront of the house. sweetie was jumping around the backyard, as louis suddently opened his eyes. he widened his eyes, as yeri put him down.

" what is its name ? " louis asked, as he saw the collar, a baby pink one with sweetie written with gold. " oh, her ! hi, sweetie ! you are so pretty. i always wanted to have a dog, and now my dream turned into reality ! " he started clapping, as yeri and sicheng smiled towards him. " can i play with her ? can i ? i will eat dinner after ! "

" louis, we should go and eat first. sweetie also needs to receive her dinner, but, afterwards, you two can play for the rest of the day. " yeri said, as the four walked into the house. sweetie continued chasing louis, as they all took off their shoes. " sicheng, do you have anything planned for tomorrow afternoon ? "

" no, yeri, and i did see that louis has a football game tomorrow. " sicheng said, as they went to sit in the dining room. louis took a slice of pizza, as he started eating them. " louis, me and yeri will come to see you play tomorrow. did your parents ever come to see you ? " sicheng asked louis, as yeri hit his elbow. sicheng hissed, before he noticed that louis was quiet.

" you don't have to come if you don't want to. it's a small game, and a lot of parents don't come to them. " louis told the two, as yeri shaked her head. she was going to that game, even if it meant she would have to cancel everything else.

" i can't believe i have been brought to a football game between seven year olds. " jaehyun said, as he crossed his legs. sooyoung was taking photos of sicheng, yeri and louis, as kun was walking sweetie, who was trying to pee near all benches of the small field. " why am i even here ? " he sighed, as a familiar face appeard next to him. " what are you doing here ? "

" i enjoy coming to these little games, it makes me remember the times i used to be young. that is when my passion for sports began. " yuta said, as he sat next to jaehyun. " jaehyun, one day, you are going to have a child. that child will most likely be interested in a sport, and you will have to take them to all sorts of places. " he let out a laugh. " most children take interest in such things, but only some manage to make it their full job. "

" i never took interest in sport. and even if i did, my father wouldn't have attended any of my games. he was always too busy to spend time with me. " jaehyun let out a small scoff, as sooyoung sat back next to jaehyun. she waved towards yuta, as jaehyun turned to her. " are they playing in some sort of championship ? " he asked.

" i don't know. yeri told me that he is sicheng's nephew and said that sicheng's brother barely came to his games. " sooyoung said, as yeri and sicheng sat down. yeri waved towards louis for one more time, as the game began.

" louis, do anything to win ! beat them up, aunt will take care of the parents ! " yeri yelled, as a few women looked towards her. sicheng tried stopping his fiancée from yelling such things to louis, but yeri was too happy to see louis play.

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