26 | fight against the past.

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" you have to believe me, sicheng. " irene got up, " yeri is evil. she has bad intentions towards anyone who tries to go against her ! she will do anything to win, and you are apart of her plan. " she began yelling, trying her best to convince sicheng, who seemed unimpressed by what she was saying.

" you know, .. irene — " he raised his eyebrow, as irene nodded. " i don't understand the jealousy. me and yeri love eachother, one day we will get married and spend the rest of our lives together. " he scoffed, as irene shaked her head. " i want you to know that, since the moment you mentioned speaking to my father, i choose to not even bother to believe you. "

" your father wants the best for you ! yeri blackmails everyone she knows ! she blackmailed me, your father, all the people who know the truth about her. " irene tried holding sicheng's hand, before he yanked it away. " she even forced me to leave the country, so the truth about her won't come out ! "

" at this point, i don't even care if yeri did anything. " sicheng rolled his eyes, " before i actually fell in love with her, i had a lot to win by being with her. why would i care what she did in the past ? " he let out a laugh, before looking back at kun. " let's go. " he said, as kun nodded.

the two got out of the cafe, as kun looked on his phone. he tried searching information about irene, but nothing seemed to appear. sicheng got in the car, before rolling down the window. " kun, get in. " he said, as kun quickly followed what sicheng told him. the car drove off, as kun continued his search.

" i don't seem to find anything about irene or who she was. " kun sighed, " but i don't think she's lying. we really need to do research about yeri, who she is, what she has achieved. " kun explained, as sicheng turned to him.

" why would i do that ? it's not like i am a saint, either. what yeri did to irene or to whoever she was talking about was in the past. blackmailing isn't that bad. " sicheng complained, as kun widened his eyes.

" sometimes, i am not able to make up the things that come out of your mouth. do you hear yourself ?! " kun yelled the last part, " you are slowly falling in love with a possible .. criminal ! " he continued yelling, as sicheng shaked his head.

" it's not like i've never done a single bad thing in my life ! " sicheng yelled back, before he let out a small laugh. " maybe evil attracts evil. " he said, before dialing yeri's number.

after a few rings, it seemed like yeri wasn't answering. he let out a sigh, as kun was still unable to comprehend what sicheng was telling him. sicheng looked at his driver, who parked infront of a spa. the two men were confused, before the driver unlocked the doors.

suddently, the backseats' door was open, and that's when sicheng was hit with a purse. kun widened his eyes, before sicheng felt his nose bleeding. yeri held onto her purse, as sooyoung tried calming her friend down.

" why did you go to see her ?! " yeri yelled, " do you just spend time with any woman that comes towards you ?! " she hit sicheng again, as kun tried grabbing her purse. " why did you meet up with irene. "

" so everything you were accused of is true ? you did blackmail her and force her out of the country ! " kun yelled, as sooyoung was the one to get angry this time. " you actually are a criminal ! "

" you keep your mouth shut ! " sooyoung yelled at kun, " yeri and i did nothing wrong, irene was the biggest opponent that yeri had, so we just had to get rid of her. " she scoffed, as sicheng remained silent for a minute.

yeri put her purse down. a few tears rolled down her cheeks, before turning to sicheng, who looked at her. he reached for her hand, as yeri shaked her head. sicheng let out a sigh, before he got out of the car.

kun followed, closing the doors of the car. he handed a tissue to sicheng, who cleaned the blood from his nose. he then threw the tissue, looking back at yeri.

" all of those feelings i have developed for you for the past month, you just threw those away. " sicheng said, " i should admit, i didn't like you in the beginning, but i grew to seeing you as a misunderstood person. however, you are purely evil. " he continued, as yeri shaked her head.

" are you breaking up with me ? " yeri asked, " after everything i have done for you ? " she handed her purse to sooyoung, who held it tightly. " i never liked you ! you should thank me for the fact that i am probably the only person who willingly listened to you when you complained about women and how many problems you and your privelleged life have ! " she yelled, as kun and sooyoung looked down.

" we don't like eachother. why should we continue to pretend. i really thought you liked me. " he said, looking away, as yeri covered her face. sooyoung pulled her friend into a hug. " but why should we break up ? " he suddently asked.

" you still want to be with me ? " yeri asked, as sicheng nodded. kun and sooyoung both widened their eyes, as yeri walked closer to sicheng. " what is your plan ? mine was to get more money. " she smiled, as sicheng bent down, replying to yeri with another smile.

" you'll be a perfect wife, won't you ? " he asked, as yeri let out a laugh. " as long as you stop blackmailing people and hitting me with your purse, my heart will ache whenever i see you. " he put his hand on your chest, as yeri frowned.

" you really ruined it with that last part. " she said, as sicheng nodded, agreeing with what she said. " but as long as you answer all of my calls, my texts ..  my heart will ache whenever i see you and think about you. " yeri imitated sicheng, who began laughing.

" can i disagree with this relationship ? " kun suddently asked, " i don't agree with people dating for their own personal benefit. i believe people should love eachother in a relationship .. "

" but we do love eachother. " they said at the same time, as kun and sooyoung sighed.

evil & completely in loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz