15 | what if, oh, but what if .. ?

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yeri walked out of her house. sicheng called this morning, telling her that he wanted to have breakfast together. yeri called sooyoung, who was still with seulgi. sooyoung was happy to hear that yeri was going out with sicheng. yeri let sooyoung know that she is going to visit the two at the hospital as soon as she finished.

yeri waited for sicheng's car to arrive, as she began scrolling down her phone. the only articles she saw on the main pages were about seulgi. yeri let out a sigh, as sicheng finally arrived. he rolled down his window, waving towards yeri. she got in his car, taking off her purse.

" so, are you ready ? " sicheng asked, as yeri nodded. " then, i think it's time to go. " he let out a laugh, as they drove off. yeri continued looking on her phone, as sicheng turned to her. " i've read the articles about seulgi .. "

" i feel terrible for her. " yeri looked out the window, " she lost so much for that man .. i can't even picture what was in his mind to yell and blame at her for everything ! " she yelled, as sicheng nodded. " was he always like that ? "

" he never seemed to be such a person. " sicheng sighed, " i always liked spending time with him. i don't understand why he thinks .. " he said, before stopping. " you know what, i don't even want to talk about him. he disappointed me so much. " he rolled his eyes.

" you're right. " yeri said, as they made it to a small restaurant. " people like him don't deserve to be mentioned in our conversations. but, what i must say is, whose wedding are we going to ? "

" well, that's very complicated. " sicheng let out a laugh, " since it was supposed to be seulgi and yuta's wedding, which is not going to happen anytime soon. " he said, as yeri widened her eyes. " i knew you had an appointement, so, cancel it. "

" no way. " yeri said, as they got out. " that is so weird. what do you mean they were about to get married ? was that one of the reasons why .. ? " she asked, as sicheng shaked his head.

" i mean, i don't really know the actual truth, but i doubt that was a reason. " sicheng said, as a waiter took them to a table. sicheng pulled the chair for yeri, who smiled towards him. " if i'm being honest, none of them were in their right minds. "

" i don't know, seulgi was .. okay until the incident. " yeri said, as she took a look at the menu. " sooyoung and seulgi didn't talk a lot, but .. " yeri sighed, " she was always angry with sooyoung. could that be frustration ? "

" maybe. " sicheng replied, as yeri nodded. " what are you getting ? i think i want some french toast. i've missed eating it, it reminds me of my childhood. " he smiled, as yeri looked up at him.

" i love to eat pancakes for breakfast. it's my favourite breakfast meal. " yeri said, " but i think i will go for some waffles today. " she pointed to the waiter, who nodded. sicheng also made his order, as the waiter left.

" what do you want to talk about ? " sicheng asked, looking at yeri. she was pouring herself a glass of water, as sicheng waited for her answer. " are there any topics that you want me to tell you about .. "

" do you still party ? " yeri suddently asked him, as sicheng widened his eyes. " be honest with me. if you still party, then i think you should stop before i confirm it myself. because .. "

" i'm not partying. " sicheng replied to yeri, " i stopped partying after i talked to the press about finding a girlfriend. i swear yeri, i'm not the terrible man i used to be before, i care about you, i care about what you think. "

" of course. " yeri smiled, satisfied with the answer. " i'm glad to know that you've finally realised that partying is for .. uncultured people. " she said, as sicheng raised his eyebrow. " you see, back when i first tried out at a model agency, they tried to take me to clubs .. "

" i used to request that. " sicheng admitted, as yeri didn't seem happy with what he said. sicheng thought about what he should say in that moment, before trying to laugh it off. " i think it was better to party with models who were willing to do anything for money. " he continued laughing.

" is that a joke ? " yeri seemed disgusted by what sicheng explained to her. " do you just think that all models do that for money ? do you think we are a joke to men like you ? "

" no, i didn't mean it like that ! " sicheng tried defending himself, but it was too late. " i'm sorry, it was just what i thought all models did, i'm sorry, i'm sure you didn't do that. "

" of course i didn't ! " yeri yelled back, as the waiter slowly came towards them with the food. " i think you should be ashamed of what you just said ! " she said, before taking her plate.

yeri didn't look at sicheng again. he kept trying to talk to her, but he knew he really messed up by what he told her. why did he even bring it up ? he let out a sigh, before he finally finished his food.

" yeri, i'm really sorry. " sicheng whispered, " i didn't mean to offend you, i thought it was a joke .. " he continued defending his words, but yeri didn't seem to care. she wasn't even reacting to what sicheng was trying to talk about, which made sicheng sigh.

" sicheng, do you ever just hear your words about women ? " yeri asked, " because you talk about us like we are objects. and i don't like that. " she threw her knife on the ground, as sicheng slightly jumped. " change your views or else you can say goodbye. "

" yeri, please ! " he held onto her hand, " i will try my best. i won't disappoint you, i promise you ! i take back everything i said ! it wasn't meant to be said, i was just disrespectful. " he said, " please forgive me. "

" i will forgive you, but this is the last time. " yeri said, as she looked around. " to show your forgiveness, pay for the bill. " she continued, as sicheng nodded, searching for his credit card.

" i'm glad you gave me another chance. "

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