08 | a flight of imagination.

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yeri spent the whole day packing. sooyoung was watching her friend, as yeri took a deep breath, getting up from the ground. sooyoung looked at the four luggages yeri packed, as yeri smiled towards her.

" i'm done. " yeri said, " i think i packed enough. do you think i missed anything ? " she asked, as sooyoung shaked her head. " okay, then everything is ready, sicheng just needs to call me. "

" are there any flights to switzerland ? " sooyoung asked, " because it's an odd time to leave. usually, flights for europe are in the morning, not in the evening. or that's what i'm just used to. "

" i don't know, sooyoung. " yeri sighed, as she fixed her skirt. " what do you think about my outfit ? this is what i'm wearing for the flight. does it look good ? " she asked, as sooyoung nodded.

" you're so beautiful. " sooyoung said, as yeri pulled her friend into a hug. " i'm so happy for you, you've always wanted to go to switzerland. now you're going, at a private skiing properly. " she jumped, as yeri nodded.

yeri's phone ringed. she ran excited to her phone, as sooyoung watched her. yeri picked up the call, seeing that it was sicheng's number. sooyoung waited for yeri to begin talking to yeri.

" hi. i'm done ! " yeri said, " are you coming to pick me up ? or should i come to the airport myself ? " she asked, waiting for sicheng's answer.

" don't worry, i'll come and pick you up. " sicheng said, as sooyoung widened her eyes. she just realized she never heard his voice clearly. yeri and sicheng continued talking, as yeri ended the call.

" are you going ? " sooyoung asked, as yeri nodded. " god, i will miss you so much. " she pulled yeri into a hug, as she ended their quick hug, by looking at her. " i should help you carry your bags downstairs. "

" thank you ! " yeri smiled, as the two girls walked out of their apartament. they walked into the elevator, as yeri pressed the buttons. " i will be gone for a week. " she sighed, before looking at the mirror.

" as i said, i will miss you. " sooyoung said, as the two girls walked out of the elevator. they made it out of the apartament complex, seeing a red car infront of them. " that must be sicheng. "

" i don't know. i haven't seen him with this car. " yeri said, as sooyoung looked at her, cobfused. " oh wait, he has plenty of cars. " she let out a laugh, as sicheng got out of the car.

" good afternoon, ladies. " he let out a laugh, " you packed a lot. " he widened his eyes, as yeri nodded. sooyoung opened the trunk, putting in the luggages. " this is your friend ? " he whispered to yeri, while pointing at her.

" yes. " yeri smiled, as sooyoung walked away from the trunk. she pulled yeri into a last tight hug, as yeri let out a laugh. " bye, sooyoung ! take care ! "

" take care too ! " sooyoung said, " i will call you. but please, please call me once you get to switzerland, okay ? " sooyoung asked, as yeri nodded.

sicheng cleared his throat, as both sooyoung and yeri looked at him. sooyoung held yeri's hand, as they smiled towards eachother. she walked away, as yeri looked at sicheng.

" sorry if it look long. " yeri said, as sicheng smiled towards her. " it's time to go. i am so excited. " she let out a laugh, as sicheng opened the door for her. what an improvement.

yeri walked in the car, as sicheng opened his phone. he scrolled down it, as yeri looked towards him. they needed to a start a conversation, she didn't want this to be awkward.

" so .. " she approached sicheng, soflty touching him on his shoulder. sicheng turned around, widening his eyes. " how many hours will we be on the plane ? i hope i dressed well .. "

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