87 | a little girl's dream.

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the moment she turned 20, yeri was sure that her father expected her to get married. whispering in her father's ear was her grandmother, who had already found the three men who were going to fight for yeri's heart. however, yeri didn't want that. she wished to go to the city and become a succesful woman.

and there she was, packing a small luggage in the middle of the night, trying to figure out what she should bring with her tomorrow. yeri had bought a ticket for the train that was leaving tomorrow, at 8 in the morning. yeri looked out the door, seeing that both of her parents fell asleep. yeri let out a sigh, as she put in her last piece of clothing in the luggage.

yeri laid down on her bed. she set her alarm for the next morning. she looked at the small screen of her phone, seeing that a few articles were floating around with strange headlines. " the illegitimate daughter of the head prosecutor, park sooyoung, is seen with future badminton star. their parents have denied any rumours of them dating. "

" oh, i never wish to be involved in such rumours with a random rich boy. " yeri let out a laugh, imagining what her life was going to be in the big city. " or, i might want to. if he looks good, if he's nice .. " yeri thought for a second, before she shaked her head once again. " actually, i don't want to spend the rest of my life around a man. i am young and beautiful. "

yeri let out a laugh. she put her phone down, before wrapping herself around her blanket. yeri let out a small yawn, before smiling at the thought of her leaving for the city. she was about to achieve one of her dreams. she rolled around the bed, now thinking of how her parents would react to her sudden decision to leave.

she slowly closed her eyes. it was her life, afterall. what if her parents went after her ? then, she should start a scene at the station and force them to leave. but, she doubted the possibilty of her parents coming after her. she planned it perfectly — her father was at work, her mother was in the backyard, cutting a hen, and her grandmother was surely sleeping at that hour.

yeri let out another yawn. she looked at the ceiling, before she finally closed her eyes. tomorrow, she was about to start the future she had planned for her whole life.

the train ride was quiet. yeri was looking out the window, before two girls sat next to her. she didn't bother looking at them, but all she could hear was the giggle of one of the girls. she was showing her friend something, before a gasp was heard. yeri turned around, now looking at the two. she raised her eyebrow, as the girl with bangs laughed. " sorry, the prince hosted his 20th birthday party, and it was a big event. "

yeri let out a laugh. she had no idea who the prince was, nor did she seem to care, but the idea of him being the same age as her made her suddently interested in this man. " oh, so i'm guessing you two like him ? or is he just .. someone that everyone likes ? do you know him ? " yeri asked, as the two girls laughed. the girl with bangs shaked her head.

" god, i wish the prince knew about my existence ! " the girl yelled out, as yeri widened her eyes. " i doubt that you know who he is by the questions you asked, but he is .. a very rich boy. he is the son of the third richest man in the country, and he is so handsome ! " she explained to yeri, who felt her eyes getting heavy.

it had been three hours since yeri got on the train. she slowly closed her eyes, before the other two girls heard her small snores. yeri felt asleep thinking about this man, who she had never heard of before. she read about every single celebrity, how could she forget about this prince ? who was he ?

" sicheng ! " yeri yelled, getting out of the car. she wrapped her arm around sicheng's, before she looked at him, clearly excited by the house they were about to see. " this house is so pretty ! i love it, i love it so much. " she jumped a few times, as sicheng pointed to her injured ankle. " i had to wear sneakers, can you believe that ?! "

" let's forget about that. " sicheng said, before he took out his phone. the other real estate agent, mr. wong, was going to come in any minute. " i am glad you love it before we even enter it. i searched for a house i thought you'd like for weeks, each break i had from working was spent searching for a house my beautiful wife is going to love. " he kissed the top of her head, as mr. wong approached them.

" good morning ! " mr. wong said, as sicheng shaked his hand. " are you ready for you to see the house that you most likely will buy ? " he let out a laugh, as both sicheng and yeri nodded. mr. wong walked up to the door, before he let the other two in. yeri widened her eyes, as they took off their shoes. " i will be explaining to you each room. "

mr. wong started taking sicheng and yeri around the rooms. yeri was absolutely in love with everything inside the house. sicheng watched as yeri asked mr. wong about the painting inside of the house. he smiled at yeri, before going closer to yeri. he placed a small kiss on her cheek, before yeri started laughing. he loved seeing her smile.

" and that is about it. " mr. wong said, as he stopped infront of the front door. " i will be happy to hear if you choose this house. i will be also waiting for you to give me an answer about this. as my co-worker said, nobody is currently showing interest in the house, so you will hopefully be the one to buy it. "

" we will think about it. " sicheng let out a laugh, as yeri agreed with what he said. " but, so far, we surely are wanting to purchase this one. " he said, before looking at the clock. " i need to be at work, and you told sooyoung that you need to meet her for lunch. " he said, as he looked at yeri. yeri nodded, as he waved towards mr. wong. " goodbye ! "

" have a safe ride home ! " mr. wong yelled, as yeri and sicheng got in the car, driving off.

20 year old yeri got off the train. she looked around, before she smiled. she walked to the nearest grocery store. she bought herself a chocolate croissant, then walked out of the store. she looked around the city, before seeing a familiar face getting out of a car. then, a boy quickly followed behind her. they were the people yeri read the article about.

yeri ran closer to the two, trying to see exactly what they were doing. she felt weird, but, at the same time, she had to get used to this life, being followed by everyone around. she then looked away, deciding to try and find a place where she could sleep. she walked around the small streets, before she felt a tap on her shoulder.

" hello ! " sooyoung stood infront of yeri, as yeri flinched. " i'm sorry for scaring you. but you dropped your earphones. " she handed yeri the earphones, as yeri smiled back to sooyoung. " are you new around the city ? you seem to go around with a luggage. " sooyoung pointed to yeri's luggage, as she nodded.

" yes, i actually came here to pursue a modelling dream. " yeri let out a laugh, as sooyoung widened her eyes. " i moved here from a small town, but i have big dreams. maybe, one day, i will achieve it. " she explained, before looking down. " sorry, that sounds a little weird, i'm sorry. " she sighed, as sooyoung shaked her head.

" i also wanted to become a model, but i doubt that my parents will ever allow me to do so. " sooyoung replied with a small laugh, " i'm park sooyoung, nice to meet you. " she shaked yeri's hand. " do you know where to go and find a modelling agency ? were you scouted ? " sooyoung asked, as yeri nodded.

" let me start by saying that i am kim yeri. " she let out a laugh, " i also got scouted when i was walking around a mall. " she said, as sooyoung widened her eyes. " thank you for being nice to me. i thought it would be hard for people in cities to be this nice .. but i guess i was wrong. " she said, before taking out a small paper. she wrote her phone number quickly, " do you want to be my friend ? "

it had been 11 years since yeri heard of this mysterious prince and became sooyoung's friend. since then, yeri became the highest paid model in their country, started dating and got engaged to the prince and figured out that her idea of happiness has changed drastically since she got on the 8 o'clock train.

sicheng had gone to work, but not before he dropped off yeri at the restaurant she was supposed to meet sooyoung. she held sweetie up, before kissing the top of her head. then, sooyoung came towards her friend, before pulling yeri into a tight hug.

" yeri, i have so many things to tell you ! " sooyoung jumped, " you too, sweetie. you will also hear a bunch of fun things. " she let out a laugh, before the two sat down. " buckle up, it's quite a lot. "

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