33 | what's with all the tragedies ?

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sicheng sat on the couch, watching sweetie's peaceful sleeping. he smiled, before reaching out to pat sweetie. yeri rushed to the living room, slapping sicheng's hand. he widened his eyes, as yeri glared towards him.

sicheng began laughing, as yeri carefully picked sweetie up, kissing her temple. sweetie slowly opened her eyes, letting out a small yawn. yeri smiled towards her, while sicheng got up from the couch, to kiss sweetie.

" why did you wake her up ? she was sleeping so peacefully. " yeri glared towards sicheng again, as sicheng was surely confused. " if i hadn't picked her up, you would've ruined her sleep. " she scoffed.

" but you literally woke her up when you picked her up. " sicheng tried defending himself, as yeri shaked her head. " you're very stubborn. " he whispered, mostly to himself, but yeri heard it aswell.

" leave me and sweetie alone. " yeri was about to walk away, as sicheng looked at the clock. " why are you always looking at your clock ? do you have anywhere to go ? where are you going, i need to know too ! " yeri raised her voice, as sweetie looked up at her.

" i was just checking to see the time. " sicheng sighed, before he pat sweetie. " she's so scared now, thanks to you and your love of yelling. " he looked at yeri, who yanked his hand off.

" aren't you ashamed to blame me for my daughter's sadness ? " yeri asked, before kissing sweetie. sicheng shaked his head, as yeri walked away with sweetie. sicheng looked at them, before he realised something.

" yeri ? when is your baking party ? " sicheng asked, " because you can host it at my house. as an apology for blaming you for our daughter's sadness. " he wasn't happy with what he said, but yeri surely was.

" i don't know. it was supposed to be tomorrow, but i also need to text sooyoung and seulgi to see if they are free. " yeri said, as sweetie began moving. yeri let her down, as sweetie made her way to the plant sicheng kept in his living room.

" she's going to pee by that plant, isn't she ? " sicheng asked, as yeri nodded. " miss. lee, please bring something to clean up sweetie's pee ! " he yelled to one of his maids, as yeri hit his shoulder.

" she's pooping too. " yeri whispered to sicheng, who widened his eyes. he was about to run up to sweetie, as yeri stopped him. " let her poop in peace ! tell your maid to bring the wipes in that pink box that i brought. "

" i won't allow a dog to do her stuff in my living room ! " sicheng yelled at yeri, who slapped him across the cheek. the maid brought sicheng and yeri all of the wipes they needed to clean, before walking away.

" sweetie isn't a dog ! she is our daughter and you shouldn't yell at your daughter ! " yeri yelled back, " because as a parent, you're not supposed to make your children .. happy. "

sicheng looked at her, as yeri took the wipes from sicheng's hands. she walked up to sweetie, cleaning her and the area where the plant was. sicheng reached out to hold sweetie, who licked his cheek.

yeri's phone suddently started ringing, as sicheng walked towards it. he handed it to yeri, who saw that her mother was calling again. she picked up the call, as sicheng watched her.

suddently, yeri's face dropped. sicheng raised his eyebrow, as he continued looking at yeri. she hanged up the phone, as tears started rolling down her cheeks. sicheng ran to her, still holding sweetie.

" yeri, what's wrong ? " sicheng asked, " what did your mother tell you ? " he continued asking, but it seemed like yeri wasn't able to answer him. " what happend ? please tell me, don't keep it all to yourself. "

" my father died. " yeri said, " we need to go back in my hometown. he died yesterday and i didn't pick up my mother's call. " yeri continued crying, as sweetie jumped out of sicheng's hands, running up yeri, to comfort her.

" i'll call to prepare a car. is your hometown far away from here ? " sicheng asked, as yeri shaked her head. " do you want me to set up sweetie's bed there ? " he asked another question, receiving a nod from yeri.

yeri didn't understand why she felt the way she did when she found out that her father wasn't alive anymore. she had no idea about his illness, and that's what shocked her the most. she knew nothing about her family.

yeri looked out the window, as sicheng drove towards her hometown. she hadn't been there since she turned 18, and, she never wanted to be back. she looked at sweetie, who was laying on her bed, covered by a pink blanket.

" i brought her leash, there are many scary dogs there. " yeri said, as sicheng smiled. " i was very scared of dogs when i was younger, and i actually never thought i would have one that i would spoil like my child. "

" we change as we grow, don't we ? " sicheng let out a dry laugh, as yeri nodded. " i don't know how your relationship with your parents way. could you tell me how your childhood was ? "

" terrible. it was very haunting, and when i left, i wished to forget about the things my parents have done to me. " yeri said, as a tear escaped her eye. " but here i am, crying over my father who's not alive. "

" oh, yeri. " sicheng looked at her, " is this maybe why your mother was here ? " he asked, as yeri shaked her head. " then what do you think ? why was she here ? "

" she doesn't like that we are together. " yeri sighed, " she thinks that you ruined me. i told her a lot of mean words throughout my life, and she always told me that a certain thing ruined me. this time it's you. " yeri laughed, as sweetie opened her eyes.

" i'm .. excited to meet her ? " sicheng laughed, before yeri laughed with him. sweetie looked at them, before yeri sent her a flying kiss. " now we kind of built our own family. "

" yes, our tiny family. " yeri smiled, " i couldn't have wished for a better family than this one. "

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