25 | once again, anger takes over.

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" so, were you able to shut his mouth ? " sooyoung asked, as she waited for yeri to look up from her phone. the two girls were at the spa, now getting their feet massages in rose water, " can you stop ? the water is too hot. " sooyoung said, as the employee nodded, taking the water away from sooyoung. " why do you seem to be so angry ? you're surely not in a good mood, are you ? "

" i need a stupid reservation for that baby blue bag, and apparently someone else is ahead of me. " yeri sighed, as she continued looking on her phone. " nobody told me that there is a list of people who are able to buy that bag ! " she yelled, as the masseuse flinched, looking away.

" call sicheng. " sooyoung let out a laugh, as yeri looked at her. " come on, take that as a joke. i don't think sicheng has the power to actually change the list of some crazy expensive bag. " she continued laughing, as yeri put her phone down, suddently flashing a smile.

" you aren't wrong, you surely said it as a joke, but who says that sicheng won't do such thing for me ? " she said, as sooyoung nodded at her. " should i call him ? do you think he's busy ? " she asked, as sooyoung shaked her head.

" he should never be busy when it comes to you. " sooyoung reminded yeri, " that is one big thing to remember in a relationship. communication matters the most, and he needs to talk to you at all times. " she smiled, as yeri nodded, agreeing with her friend.

" therefore, i should call him. " yeri said, as the two masseuses left the room, giving the two girls some privacy. " can you believe we've already talked about children ? and our marriage ? and wedding ? " yeri's eyes lit up, as sooyoung nodded.

" so ? where do you want to get married ? " sooyoung asked, " you know, i have to prepare a dress with months before ! " she shaked yeri's arm, as yeri's smile dropped. " is there anything wrong ? "

" he's not answering me. " yeri gritted her teeth, " where the fuck is he ? why doesn't he pick up a call from his girlfriend ?! " yeri began yelling, as sooyoung tried calming her friend down. " do you .. think he found out ? "

" no, yeri ! " sooyoung yelled at her, " as we promised to eachother, nobody is going to find out what we did to become who we are today. his father found out, but he promised he isn't going to talk to anyone about it. " she assured yeri, who nodded.

" right. " yeri let out a sigh in relief, " anyway, i think we shoule call those two. i could really do a massage right now, the stress got to me. " she let out a laugh, as sooyoung nodded.

yeri continued looking at her phone. but what if sicheng knew what she did to become famous ? yeri picked the phone up, seeing that sicheng left her a text message. yeri began shaking, expecting the worst in what she was about to read.

" yeri, i did see that you called me. i just woke up, so i missed it. i will call you later, i need to go with kun somewhere. " sicheng wrote in his message, as yeri finally put the phone down, realising that she must've worried too much.

" wait. " yeri turned around, looking at sooyoung, who took a water bottle from the small table. " how did mr. dong find out ? it's not like .. " she widened her eyes, " sooyoung. what if she .. what if she came out and told everything ?! " she yelled, getting up. " what if that happend ? we need to find her. "

" we really need to check on that. " sooyoung said, as the masseuses walked in, bowing infront of the two girls. " i'll try and find out if she had left the country when we sent her away, or if she has been lying to us since the beginning. "

to be famous means to risk and to win. yeri always knew that, and she knew that there only one way to win — to get rid of others. with sooyoung next to her, she was able to meet her opponents face to face, even before the modelling agency chose the girls that were supposed to grace the magazines and runways.

yeri was always up there, but she was second. she was never first, and the modelling agency only wanted one model every single year. yeri couldn't risk not joining the industry early on, but there was a girl that challenged it. bae irene. yeri despised her, wanted her gone.

yeri knew that irene dreamnt of someone. and back then, she hadn't realised that the person was dong sicheng himself. yeri also looked for a wealthier man that wanted to be with her, but it wasn't the right moment to think about that. irene had time to think, and by getting a man like sicheng next to her would give her a higher advantage over yeri.

so, yeri and sooyoung dug deep. they needed to find something about irene that they could use against her, to remove her from the race. and that's when they found out what they needed. irene did drugs, she sold them and went to illegal clubs.

when they told irene that, if she wasn't going to quit her job, the whole world was going to find out what she was doing. scared of what yeri was capable of doing, she promised to leave the country for good.

yeri was happy with what she had done, but she wanted to keep it a secret. sooyoung and her decided to never speak about it. nobody was supposed to know what they did, but maybe irene was back.

sicheng and kun walked down the street, as sicheng let out a sigh. why was he even here ? kun looked at his friend, before opening the door to the cafe. sicheng got in, before spotting a young woman at the table kun lead him to.

" sicheng, thank god you are here ! " she yelled, as sicheng raised his eyebrow. " oh, i don't think you know who i am. i'm bae irene, and me and your father talked about the things yeri has done .. "

" i really don't want to hear it. yeri has never done anything wrong. "

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