72 | ah, she's just a little insane.

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" yeri, while i don't like the idea of jungwoo literally blocking sooyoung and basically making fun of her, you shouldn't prepare a whole attack on him. he's kept his image clear since he left to switzerland, and i doubt anyone has any problems with him. he's been known to be an extremely nice guy. " sicheng said, as he was trying to read the online newspaper. " do you blackmail everyone that you hate ? "

" sicheng, jungwoo is actually next on the list of people i want to drag down into hell and make sure that they will suffer for the rest of their lives. " yeri turned around, as she took off her pink slippers. she threw them towards the wall, making sicheng flinch. " that's exactly what i want to do with him right now, but i can't ! " she yelled, as sicheng nodded, now even more scared of her. " so that is why i will try my best to find something out about him and do what will make sooyoung have him at his pinky, and that is blackmail. "

" ever since i told you that i wanted to marry you in a barn, you've gone kind of insane. not that you weren't before, but you've gone really insane since we returned from italy. " sicheng told her, as yeri widened her eyes. she took back her slippers, before attempting to hit sicheng with them. he started laughing, as yeri finally put them on. " did you ever think about blackmailing me ? " he asked, as yeri shaked her head.

" no, because everyone knows absolutely everything about you and the weird things you've done before meeting the gorgeous and innocent angel that i am. " she sent sicheng a flying kiss, as sicheng smiled towards her. " i need to call sooyoung, to let her know that we are going to search for any possible ways of finding out the sketchy things jungwoo's done. " yeri said, before sitting down on the couch. " or what if she is with jungwoo right now ? "

" i doubt that they would be together if jungwoo had blocked her number the previous night. " sicheng sighed, " that is such a weird thing to do to your girlfriend, especially since he forgave her at the airport and promised to date her whenever she is ready. " he let out a scoff, as sweetie ran downstairs. mrs. kim was wearing a very chic violet tracksuit, and a pair of designer sunglasses.

" me and sweetie are going to a brunch date with my new friend and louis, jaehyun's bichon. " mrs. kim said, before taking off her sunglasses. yeri watched her mother, stunned, as sicheng started laughing. yeri pointed to her mother's outfit, as mrs. kim let out a small laugh. " this ? yoo-hee gave it to me, so we could match. she has the same one as me. " she smiled, as yeri widened her eyes.

" oh, then have fun, i guess ? " yeri said, still a little confused, as mrs. kim nodded. she put on sweetie's leash, as sweetie managed to pee next to sicheng's plant. sicheng got up, before letting out a sigh. " sweetie ! you know how much your dad hates it when you pee next to his favourite plants. " yeri explained to sweetie, who made her way to the other plant. " sweetie ! don't ! " she yelled, but it was too late.

" sweetie ! " sicheng yelled, as a few maids ran towards the scene. they started cleaning it up, as sicheng shaked his head, disappointed in his daughter. " sweetie, please do not pee on these plants ever again. or else, you will not be given six treats a day, but three. understood, it's your food in the play here. " sicheng pointed his finger towards her, until sweetie bit it. " sweetie ! i will give you one treat for now ! you are not a respectful daughter ! "

" sicheng, leave sweetie alone ! " yeri yelled towards him, " sweetie will have her usual six treats a day. i should take her to an expert for the potty training, actually, i'll go and make an appointement for the classes. " yeri mumbled, before walking back to the couch. sicheng looked back at sweetie, who was clearly unbothered by what was going on. " i think we should take her swimming too. " yeri suggested, as sicheng turned around, confused by her words.

" yeri, why would sweetie need to swim ? " sicheng asked, before looking back at sweetie. " well, i guess she can jump into the pool when we are sitting in it. or in the hot tub. " he sighed, " you know what, sign her up for those swimming classes. are they free ? how much do they cost ? " he asked, as yeri was reading the information from the website. " i might have a lot of money, but i still won't pay 3000 dollars for classes. "

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