71 | it's us, and we love drama.

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kun felt that a headache was approaching. jaehyun stood next to the couch, that sicheng was sleeping on, as kun was still drinking the ice tea that he bought for their sleepover. jaehyun let out a yawn, holding the pillow tightly. sicheng rolled around the bed a few times, as kun got up. he put his glass on the coffee table, before quickly returning to his two friends.

" you know, .. " jaehyun began, before letting out a sigh. it was close to 2 a.m., jaehyun surely found kun's wine shelf, and sicheng was snoring more than ever. kun couldn't choose a better life. " i still like sooyoung. i wish i didn't mess up two years ago, and i wish i had proposed to her when i took her to lake como. now, my mother calls me a disappointment, my father barely talks to me .. " he sighed again, before taking out a wine bottle, confirming kun's theories.

jaehyun drank straight from the bottle, a thing that triggered kun. he tried taking it away from him, but it seemed like jaehyun had it already finished it. kun slapped his own forehead, before taking away the empty bottle. he put it next to his glass, as jaehyun laid down on the ground. he let out a yawn again, as kun looked at his phone. it was so late, and kun had to work tomorrow. he put down a pillow, before bringing two blankets, for him and jaehyun.

" do you think sooyoung still likes me ? " jaehyun asked, as kun quickly shaked his head. " i think the same. she must've moved on from me, but i haven't yet. i still think about her sometimes, and i still dream of still being with her. " he said, before he slowly closed his eyes. " you know what, i can't even sleep. i won't even sleep. i won't go to work tomorrow and i won't listen to my father ever again. i shouldn't do it, right ? " he let out a laugh.

" jaehyun, i can't even give you an answer. do whatever you want, i don't really care to be honest. your father is already angry with you, so i bet he will be even angrier. " kun explained to his friend, who kept nodding. jaehyun started yawning, as kun rolled around, on the other side. " maybe, one day, you will find someone that will make you feel as happy as sooyoung made you feel. i believe in that. " kun smiled, as a laugh escaped jaehyun's mouth.

" or, i will end up just like you, lonely. " jaehyun continued laughing, as kun turned around, a little offended by what jaehyun told him. " sorry, kun, but i've never seen you with anyone. i always thought that you liked sicheng, but i won't say that out loud. " he said, as kun widened his eyes. he shaked his head, " well, i'm sorry that i said that. but you were always with sicheng, since high school, and then you two went to college together. " he yawned for one more time, " so i just assumed. " he said, before he closed his eyes.

" finally, he's sleeping. " kun scoffed.

yeri couldn't remember the last time she was fully awake at 2 a.m. but, she was eating a cookie, as sooyoung was drinking her 4th shot. she somehow managed to remember where sicheng and yeri kept their very expensive shot glasses, and decided that she could share more information to yeri with the help of alcohol. sooyoung put up her hair in a ponytail, before bursting into tears. yeri jumped, surprised to see sooyoung.

" yeri, i have no idea what i am doing anymore ! " sooyoung said, as she threw herself on yeri's bed, " i have .. i have been in a place that i didn't expect to find myself in. " she sighed, as yeri sat on the bed, next to her friend. " i avoided telling you this, but i had a fight with jungwoo today. he was coming late from work and i was angry about it, and he started yelling towards me, and how sensitive i was. " she said, before wiping her tears with her sleeve. " i thought jungwoo wouldn't yell like that. "

" he yelled at you ?! " yeri said, as she widened her eyes. " when i catch that man, i swear to god that i will yell at him myself. how dare he come late from work and start fights with you ?! " yeri rolled her eyes, as sooyoung nodded. " god, i want to .. now i won't sleep anymore ! i will have violent dreams for the rest of the night. also, when i called sicheng, he told me that they were talking about the upcoming badminton game between yuta and doyoung. "

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