59 | love, just like in the movies.

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where was sooyoung ? yeri searched the whole museum at least two times, but there was no sight of her friend. it was past midnight, and yeri was scared of where sooyoung could be. she ran outside, freezing in her outfit, deciding to call sicheng and ask him if he and kun could come to help her find sooyoung. she dialed sicheng's phone number, until she heard someone walk behind her. she widened her eyes, running into sicheng's arms.

" sicheng, i don't know where sooyoung is. " yeri said, as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. " what if the whole thing with jungwoo didn't work out and she ran to cry somewhere ? and didn't come to me ? " she continued crying, as sicheng softly pat her back. kun let out a sigh, as yeri felt even more concern for sooyoung. " we have to go and find her, right now. she might be in danger. "

" yeri, have you checked to see if jungwoo is still here ? " kun asked, " maybe sooyoung left with him. afterall, i've heard that jungwoo liked sooyoung ever since she was with jaehyun. " he let out a laugh, as both yeri and sicheng widened their eyes. " that's why the two fought. you actually never knew ? " he asked sicheng, who shaked his head. " sicheng, do you not pay attention to what jaehyun tells you ? "

" no, i actually don't. " sicheng replied, as yeri wiped her tears, using the sleeve of sicheng's shirt. " yeri ! don't do that, this is a new shirt, i bought it just for this trip. " he sighed, before looking at the clock. " it's so late, and i got so scared that you two were in danger. don't worry, yeri, sooyoung is probably in safe arms with jungwoo. i can assure you. " he said, as yeri nodded.

" i should call her in the morning. do you have jungwoo's number ? maybe he will tell us right now if sooyoung is with him or not. " yeri suggested, as both sicheng and kun started laughing. " do you guys really think that sooyoung left with him to .. " she raised her eyebrow, as both sicheng and kun nodded. " are you both stupid ?! " she yelled, as the two shaked their heads.

" yeri, as i said, we should go back to our hotel room. sooyoung will call you in the morning, and everything will be okay. " sicheng sighed, as he held yeri's hand. " you don't have to worry about your friend, she can do whatever she wants. you two don't need to he together every minute. " he reminded yeri, who glared towards him. " do not look at me that way. "

" come on, no taxi will pick us up in the middle of the night. we will have to start walking. " kun said, as he walked down the street. yeri widened her eyes, as she stopped sicheng. how could she walk to her hotel ? her heels were going to kill her feet if she did that, and her ankles were already doing terrible from the last incident. " hurry up, it will get one in the morning soon. "

" we are coming now ! " sicheng smiled, before he took off the backpack yeri wanted to ask him about. he took out the boots that he once bought yeri when her heel broke, handing them over to her. " put these on and give me those heels. i don't want you to complain about your feet. " he said, as yeri crossed her arms around her chest. " please put them on. "

" those don't go well with my outfit, so therefore i can't put them on. " yeri said, as sicheng let out a sigh. he took off yeri's heels, before forcing her into the ugly pair of boots. " i hate you, i actually do ! " yeri said, as sicheng put yeri's heels in his backpack, shocking yeri. " sicheng, you can't do that ! " she yelled, " they need their dust bags, the box .. you can't just throw them into a backpack ! "

" stop complaining and let's go. " sicheng said, as he held yeri's hand. he took her purse, as the two caught up with kun. he looked at them, before quickly crossing the street. yeri was still annoyed with what happend to her heels, but she chose to walk, and then yell at sicheng once they got back to their hotel room. " don't be angry, because if you were to wear those heels, that bleeding on your ankle would've started again. "

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